First and foremost, cold and flu are known to be high-season sicknesses, during the winter period in particular. Winter brings in colder temperatures and lower humidity hence, increasing the spread of the virus in the individuals. Everyone could be noticed with a red and runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat, but those who are suffering from a mere common cold do not necessarily have a throat ache, while flu patients could experience body aches, fever, and chills.
Common ways to avoid cold and flu are;
To prevent the spread of the virus in case you fall ill, you should focus on minimizing contact with other people as much as possible and ensure that you take adequate bed rest to aid your body in fighting off the sickness.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is, more specifically, known as winter depression where people suffer from depression due to decreased sunlight in the winter. With less sun exposure, serotonin levels in the body drop which is a key factor affecting mood hence depression is likely to occur. To reduce such SAD effects, individuals must try and make arrangements to get a little sunlight during the day. Just a few minutes of outdoor walking is enough to soak up the sunlight. To some extent, SAD can also be controlled by regular exercise, eating properly, going to bed, and waking up at the same time.
Besides SAD, feelings of sadness or depression may be present throughout the winter months because people are less active and spend less time outdoors, there’s access to less sunlight, and many might get reminded of those they have lost during the holidays. To overcome/avoid depression, ensure you eat a balanced diet, do regular exercises, and ensure you have plenty of rest. Feel free to talk with friends and family, and do not hesitate to speak with a therapist or counsellor if you feel too stressed.
And when the weather becomes cold the skin can become rough and develop small scaly patches. The dry air will remove the skin oils and expose the skin to dust hence becoming irritable. To avoid dry skin, one ought to use a humidifier to generate steam to moisten the air and put on lots of skin moisturizers, body lotions, and even body oils right after you’ve bathed or showered when your skin is still wet. Always opt for gentle skin products, and avoid using soaps and any product that has scents, especially during the winter season, while going out always remember to carry a pair of gloves to protect your skin from any damage during this winter season.
Joint pain is inevitable during winters, whether it is caused by the weather outside or due to a decrease in the amount of moisture in the air your joints get stiff and sore. It may be worse in individuals suffering from arthritis rheumatism or any other degenerative skin diseases. To reduce joint pain, use heat-related treatment for the affected areas since it helps in reducing muscle tension, and increases the blood flow. It is also advised to use over-the-counter pain-relieving drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin to ease the pain, they also recommend different forms of exercises and physical therapy to build the muscles surrounding the joints and minimize the pain.
In particular, it should be said that cold weather poses quite a problem when it comes to asthma in people. The air temperature is also generally lower and less humidity or more often a lack of it can provoke an asthmatic response. In the winter season, it is important to remember to try to keep the house warm and moist for a person suffering from asthma. Invest in a travel-size humidifier or vaporizer to restore moisture into the air and do not set yourself up to be overwhelmed by temperatures. For asthma patients, it is recommended that one should seek the doctor’s advice from the best medicine hospital in Delhi to determine the best way of handling the condition during this winter season.
If exposed to cold and dry air, then the eyes may turn dry, itchy, or red in some of the areas and cause eye irritation. For your eyes, use artificial tears to reduce the inflammation that is experienced accompanied by dryness. When outside make sure you cover your eyes with sunglasses as this will protect them from the wind and cold. If there is constant irritation of the eyes, then one should see an eye doctor to eliminate any other causes.
This season, people gain weight and suffer from obesity as a result of inactivity, cold weather that discourages people from going outside, and further increases festive season eating, which leads to a general increase in caloric intake. Hence, it is advised to diet and exercise and reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods in order to prevent gaining extra pounds. Try not to gain additional weight during the holiday season by eating excessive junk and processed store-bought food items and instead preparing fresh home-cooked meals.
As stated, the patients consume less water during the winter thus raising the concentration of minerals and ions that cause the formation of kidney stones. You can help minimize your risk of developing kidney stones if you consume a lot of water and stay well-hydrated. Stay away from foods that are high in sodium and those that contain a lot of sugar and if you have ever experienced the problem of kidney stones then consult your doctor on measures to take in the future.
Pregnant women are more vulnerable to catching colds and flu and they are also prone to other respiratory illnesses in winter. When the temperature is low the air causes coughing and wheezing in people’s respiratory tracts. If you are suffering from any lung problems, you must dress warmly when you go out, pulling a scarf over your mouth and nose to warm the air before it enters your lungs. If you have asthma or any other chronic respiratory ailment, then it is advisable to follow all the prescribed treatments recommended by a specialized doctor.
Therefore, even though winter poses some risks to your health, you should never panic, instead, act wisely, and keep yourself healthy all winter long by consuming healthy food items. Do dress warmly to avoid catching a cold; also keep in mind to take plenty of fluids to expel toxins from the body; and eat right to build the immune system of the body. To gather more information about the health issues that individuals might face this winter season book an appointment at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital today.