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Injuries during Monsoon

Injuries during Monsoon

SGRH 15 Jul 2024

Heavy monsoon and waterlogging contribute to many injuries that are becoming more common today. The major reasons that contribute to the emergence of more injuries during monsoons include water accumulation on the roads, rough and bumpy surface areas, potholes, shoes with a bad grip, flooding on the roads and pavements, and wet and slippery areas.

The injuries people must avoid during monsoons include:

  • Fractures: Individuals mostly senior citizens experience the maximum number of injuries in terms of fractures during monsoons. Older people in comparison to younger individuals have lower bone density and fragile bones that tend to dislocate and in severe cases even break due to major falls, especially during monsoon season when the floor is wet and slippery, reducing friction between the floor and the shoe/slipper surface that in turn increases the risk of fractures among individuals.
  • Dislocation of Pelvic Girdle: During rainy weather, older people tend to experience falls due to wet and slippery surfaces that result in major dislocation of hip and thigh joints that could result in severe pain and swelling and even delayed healing.
  • Sprained Ankle: One of the major adversities individuals face during monsoon is an ankle sprain when ligaments are stretched or torn leading to the appearance of symptoms like pain, swelling, and in extreme cases limping can be observed.
  • Cuts and Bruises: Any cut or bruise on the body must be avoided especially during monsoons, as these cuts act as the gateway for entry of various pathogens into the human body. This may lead to a wide range of diseases and infections in humans. Most of the cuts and bruises are not fatal and do not require any special attention and care but cuts exhibiting severe signs must be taken care of to avoid further inconvenience.
  • Head Injuries: Injuries on the head are extremely fatal, as the chances of these injuries during monsoon increase to several folds that might lead to concussions, swelling in the head, or severe bleeding that must be addressed with utmost precision and urgency.
  • Electrocution from exposed wires: One of the most fatal injuries experienced during monsoon is due to the flow of electricity from the exposed wires through the water as it is a good conductor of electricity and anyone who comes in contact with the water with flowing electricity dies instantly.

How do we minimize any injury during monsoon?
There are a series of precautions suggested by the doctors from the medicine hospital in India, that an individual must keep in mind during monsoon season to avoid any form of injury. People should always be updated through different applications and news related to weather forecasts generated by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Individuals must be cautious while driving on the roads during heavy downpours as it reduces visibility and increases the chances of accidents due to wet and slippery surfaces. People must keep the headlights of their vehicles on to avoid any chances of collision. Older people especially senior citizens must avoid tripping and slipping on wet surfaces either by avoiding such areas during rainy weather or by wearing shoes/slippers/sandals with better grips. Older females must restrict themselves from roaming around in this weather. If necessary they must confine themselves in their homes to avoid any chances of mishap. Keep the lights of the staircase and dark places always “ON” to avoid slipping or tripping. Older people must take the support of a cane while walking to avoid any jolt or injury.

Caution signs for wet floors must be placed at places with high mobility of pedestrians to avoid any accidents. Potholes on the road must be covered and sealed properly to avoid accidents, especially during monsoon. Children must be instructed to avoid playing and running outside of their homes during heavy downpours, as the cases of people stricken by lightning increase in this weather. Females, especially pregnant ladies must take several precautions in this weather. They must remain calm and not feel anxious, they should always take the support of an individual or hard and rigid surfaces while moving around in this weather to avoid slipping or tripping. Pregnant ladies must avoid driving/travelling during this weather. They must always be accompanied by someone to ensure safety in this weather.

These are the certain provisions, individuals of every gender and age group must follow to abstain from any injuries during monsoon. And if injured get the best treatment from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. To know more, book an appointment today.