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Joint Replacement Surgery



Joint Replacement Centre of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is more than 30 years old centre propounding Joint Replacements since early 80's. This centre is one of the earliest in the North of India to introduce Knee and Hip replacements for the population on a regular basis. More than 30000 joint replacement surgeries have been performed at the Hospital in the preceding years including Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle, Wrist and small Joint replacements. The Robotic surgeries were started in the Hospital in 2012.

The Modular Arthroplasty operation theatre is backed by a separate ward for replacement patients.

  • Dr Anant Kumar Tiwari
  • Dr Deepinder Chaudhary
  • Dr Nipun Rana
  • Dr O.N. Nagi
  • Dr Anant Kumar Tiwari

Chairman, Department of Joint Replacement Surgery.

The Chairman of the Centre, Dr Anant Kumar Tiwari is a renowned Robotic and Minimally invasive Joint Replacement Surgeon. 

He has been appointed as the first Chief Examiner and assesor of Joint Replacement Surgery in India  by The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences of India . He took the very first examination of FNB ( Fellowship of National Board)  Arthroplasty in March 2022. He is a trained Joint Replacement Surgeon who is doing extensive Arthroplasty work since 2010. He did his first Total Hip Replacement and Total Elbow replacement in the year 2004. He is one of the early Arthroplasty Surgeon in North India . After 2004 he got himself extensively trained in Singapore and United Kingdom.

He is trained in Robotic and Navigation Joint replacement  and does minimally invasive and Patient specific surgeries. He has a documented record of doing more than 1500 consecutive Joint Replacement Surgeries without any infection and his infection rates are less than 0.01% and almost nil complication rates.