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Paediatric Neurosurgery



Paediatric Neurosurgery Paediatric and Neonatal Neurosurgery is a highly specialized surgical branch. It was started as a separate department in June 2002 and it added new dimension to the existing Neurosurgical facility at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. It was the first subspeciality unit of its kind to be established in norther part of India both in private and government sector.

This specialty is run by a team of dedicated, trained and committed pediatric neurosurgeons.

Department of Paediatric and neonatal neurosurgery adds its invaluable contribution to one stop multidisciplinary facilities available at the Institute of Child Health. All cases after neurosurgical procedures are managed at the stat of th art paediatric and neonatal intensive care units. hence complete and comprehensive care is being provided by a team of paediatric intensivists and neurosurgeons.

Over the past 11 years, more than 1200 surgeries have been performed with highly successful results which are comparable to International Standards. Major cognital brainand spinal cord anomalies like hydrocehaus, spinal dysraphism (tethered coord) and encephalocoels were treated with highly encouraging results. The department has the loest ventriculoperitoneal shunt revision rate. The cosmetic and neurological resuls of most complicated surgery for servere craniosynostoses were gratifying. The blood vessels abnormalities like aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations are rare in pediatric population and have been treated successfully in coordination with interventional neurosurgeon. The stereotactic surgery is an established mode of surgery for adult patients to hadle space-cupying lesions in vital areas of the brain. This type of high end technology requiring highest level of skills has been performed in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in paediatric patients.

Paediatric Neurosurgery operation theaters are best equipped with dedicated neuro-anesthesiologists, lates Pentero microscope, CUSA, navigation station, stereotactic frame and endoscopes.

The department is very active academically and rsearch papers have ben presented and awareded in the national and internatioanl conferences.