The Department of Radiology is as old as SGRH itself, but has undergone signifi cant modifi cations and changes over the years with multiple new stateof-the-art machines added as required. Thus, it combines the best experienced radiologists with the newest technology available. This is what makes it one of the leading radiology departments in the country. Indeed, the fi rst CT scanner in North India was installed at SGRH. The department acquired a digital fl at panel technology machine fi rst in private hospitals. The ultrasound department was also one of the fi rst in the country. The fi rst 3-Tesla MR was also installed at SGRH in the North India. The DNB course was started in the department in 1989.
The Department of Conventional Radiology is equipped with two digital (DR fl at panel) X-ray machines, two digital fl uoroscopy units, one high-frequency conventional X-ray machine and one OPG X-ray machine. We have also got 12 portable X-ray machines with provision of CR and conventional X-rays. Image stitching facility is also available. PACS (picture archiving and communication system) is in place since 2014 and every digital image is stored (DICOM) for the lifetime. In 2017 three fl at panels were also included for good quality bedside X-ray images of serious patients.
The workload on average is 400 patients a day. The procedures done under fl uoroscopy control include barium and gastrografi n investigations for the gastrointestinal tract like swallow, upper GIT, followthrough, small bowel enema (enteroclisis) and large bowel enema, hysterosalpingograms for the female genital tract and a number of procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for the hepatobiliary system. The department also does urological investigations such as intravenous urogram, retrograde urethrograms and micturating cystourethrogram. Special investigations such as dacrocystogram, sialogram, myelogram are also done. Procedures such as defecography are performed, which is available in a very few centres in India.
Portable X-ray machines are kept on each fl oor of the hospital for patients who are too sick to come to the main department. Digital portable radiographs are being carried out for the ICU, IUUC patients and in multiple other high dependency care areas. Service is provided 24 × 7 × 365 with effi cient and qualifi ed technologists.
The department has a state-of-the-art full-fi eld digital mammography machine for diagnostic mammography. All mammography patients are also evaluated by high-resolution ultrasound, if the radiologist considers it is required, at no additional cost. High-resolution ultrasound is also offered as an independent investigation. The department carries out interventional procedures including hook-wire placements and breast biopsies under ultrasound and mammographic guidance. Low-dose mammograms are also done in 3D/Tomosynthesis, which is state-of-the-art technology.
Students of DNB radiology and from other specialties are rotated in every subdivisions of the department.
Faculty: Dr Deepak Chawla, Dr Deeksha Rastogi, Dr Amit Garg, Dr Yogesh Kukreja
At present, we boast of multiple high-end, high-resolution ultrasound machines with colour doppler capability, 3D ultrasound, contrast sonography and intraoperative ultrasounds. We also specialize in supportive imaging for assisted reproduction (IVF) including ovulation studies and imaging transplanted organs (liver and kidney). Portable ultrasounds are done for patients too sick to come to the department and emergency ultrasound examinations are also done 24 × 7.
Room no: 20, Ground Floor, Old Building, Ext: 1840/1841