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Surgical Oncology



The Department of Surgical Oncology was started in 2001 and is today one of the pioneers in the field of breast cancer, thyroid cancer, head and neck cancer and gynaecological cancer. The department specializes in the surgical management of all sorts of solid tumours with specific interest in cancers of breast, ovaries, colon, rectum, endometrium, head and neck. The department has come a long way over the last two decades and envisages a new era in cancer care with a dedicated oncology wing commencing in 2023. This new phase of expansion will bring a state-of-the-art radiotherapy setup, modern operation theatres and diagnostic facilities. Experienced faculty has already been inducted and the strength of faculty, resident doctors and staff will further expand.

In collaboration with medical oncology, anaesthesia and other departments, the department organizes cancer detection camps and awareness programmes on breast cancer, lung cancer, head and neck cancer and cancer pain management.

The department is also involved in school education for cancer awareness and prevention particularly tobacco-related diseases.

Facilities provided

  • OPD, day care and indoor facilities, stoma care.
  • Cancer screening and cancer counselling.
  • Head and neck cancer surgery and reconstruction by free flaps with microvascular anastomosis.
  • Breast cancer surgery including breast conservation surgery, breast reconstruction by regional flaps/free flap with microvascular anastomosis and the sentinel lymph node biopsy.
  • Limb salvage surgery in bone and soft tissue sarcomas.
  • Genitourinary oncology and gynaecological oncology.
  • Gastrointestinal cancer surgery/thoracic cancer surgery.

Academic activities

In collaboration with the Oncology Department, the department organizes CMEs and seminars at the national and international levels. With the advent of new oncology wing in 2023, the DrNB programme in surgical oncology will play a pivotal role in training young and budding surgeons.

Head and Neck Surgical Oncology

  • Dr. Sangeet K Agarwal
  • Fellowship in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery from Tata Memorial Hospital , Mumbai.
  • Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncology and Surgery from MSKCC , New York , USA.
  • Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncology and Surgery from Medanta Cancer Institute , Medanta Hospital, Gurgoan.
  • Mobile : +91 9968755924
  • Email :


2nd Floor, Old Building, Ext: 1963