India's Largest Volume, Comprehensive Chest Surgery & Chest Onco-Surgery Centre
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi has an established Institute of Chest Surgery with a dedicated team of Thoracic Surgeons offering comprehensive Surgical Chest Care involving the organs of the thorax, including the esophagus, trachea and the chest wall. We work closely with our expert colleagues in Pulmonology, Medicine, Gastroenterology, Critical care, Medical oncology, Radiologist and other specialities for comprehensive, innovative and supportive care to our patients. Our patients are pain free in the post operative period due to extensive support from the pain medicine department. We have dedicated respiratory therapist for our patients who helps them come out of the bed on same or first post operative day. The nurse coordinators helps the patients understand their treatment, schedule their multiple test and address their needs.
The method of surgery has been very versatile. We offer open method of surgery, Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and Robotic surgery according to different surgical conditions. We have wide spectrum of surgical conditions.
We pride ourselves on using evidence based medicine and cutting edge technology to provide the best care possible to our patients. Our mission is to compassionately restore the fullness of health to patients through surgical excellence, technology and dedication.
India’s first accredited 3 year’s Training Program in Thoracic Surgery i.e. DNBE (Post M.S./DNBE in General Surgery) was started by the National Board of Examinations at Centre for Chest Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in January 2014.
The team offers surgeries for the entire spectrum of surgical chest diseases:
- VATS Lobectomy, Pneumonectomy and Sub-Lobar resections for Lung Cancer and Carcinoids.
- Complex lung resections for carcinoma and other tumours including chest wall resections.
- Parenchyma preserving surgery for Lung cancer- “Sleeve Resections”.
- Resection of pulmonary secondaries -“Pulmonary Metastatectomy”.
- Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) for Emphysema.
- Bullectomy and Blebectomy for Bullous Lung disease.
- Lung resections for Hydatid Cyst and other cystic lung diseases.
- Lung resections for Aspergilloma, Mucormycosis and other fungal infections.
- Lung resections for Tuberculosis and its complications.
- Lung resections for Congentinal Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) and Congenital Lobar Emphysema (CLE).
- VATS and Open Oesophageal resections for malignancy.
- Surgery for benign oesophageal disorders.
- Surgery for Corrosive strictures of Oesophagus.
- Surgery for Oesophageo-tracheal fistula.
- Surgery for Oesophageal and Foregut duplication cysts.
- Surgery for Oesophageal Motility disorders.
- Surgery for pleural diseases such as empyema and papapneumonic loculated effusions - “Decortication”.
- Surgery for Hemothorax and Chylothorax.
- Tumors of Pleura Pleural biopsy Pleurectomy Pleurodesis for Malignant Pleural.
- Tracheal resections for strictures or stenosis, tumours and trauma.
- Surgery for Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula.
- Surgery for Tracheomalacia.
- Mediastinal tumour Resection (VATS and open surgery).
- Thymectomy: Surgery for Myasthenia Gravis and Thymic Tumor (Thymoma, Thymic Carcinoma).
- Surgery for Pediatric Neurogenic tumors and cysts of the mediastinum.
- Surgery for Ectopic Parathyroid Adenomas.
Chest wall
- Surgery for Chest wall tumors (Bone and Soft tissue tumors).
- Surgery for Chest trauma and rib fractures.
- Rib fixation for Flail Chest.
- Surgery for Congenital Chest deformities - Pectus Excavatum and Pectus Carinatum.
- Surgery for Pericardial Cysts.
- Pericardial Window or Fenestration for recurrent pericardial effusions/tamponade.
- Surgery for Diaphragmatic Paralysis or palsy - “Plication of diaphragm”.
- Surgery for Diaphragmatic Hernias.
- Surgery for Rupture or tear of diaphragm.
- Surgery for Sweaty palms and feet (Hyperhidrosis) - “ Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy”.
- Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Cervical Rib.
- Surgery for Thyroid Cancers and other Thyroid diseases.
- Surgery for Parathyroid diseases.
- Day Care diagnostic thoracoscopy and mediastinoscopy.
- Airway stenting and laser interventions.
Our Commitment
We are offering the best CHEST Surgical care using state-of-the-art Technology at an affordable cost to all our patients.