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Yoga Lifestyle Clinic




Yoga is a complex word that is understood differently by different people. The word Yoga comes from ‘Yog or Jug’, which means ‘joining’ the body to the life-force breath (Prana); and finally, merging (joining) the individual Soul (Atma) to the Cosmic soul (Param-atma)

Yoga is a complete & integrated system of discipline & self-culture, that aims not only at physical, mental & emotional well-being, but also harmonious & healthy development in all aspects of life, culminating in positive thinking & Spiritual evolvement! 

Yoga has to & should be a way of everyday living, as necessary as our food, work or sleep, for a perfectly healthy life.       

Though four major types of yoga have been identified to attain liberation (Gyaan Yog, Raja Yog, Bhakti Yog, & Karma Yog), for our purpose of healthy living & spiritual evolvement, the 8 disciplines of Raja Yoga are considered very important. The 8 stages of Raja Yoga are:

  • Yama (set of universal values of living).
  • Niyama (set of disciplines/ rules related to personal life). 
  • Asana (set of disciplines related to the body, consisting of physical postures, & a total physical culture).
  • Pranayam (regulation of the flow of Prana or the ‘Life-Force-Energy’). 
  • Pratyahara (turning the attention of our senses inwards).
  • Dharana (discipline related to intellect).
  • Dhyaan or Meditation (silencing of body, mind and intellect) which will ultimately lead to……
  • Samadhi (a state of total silence or nothingness, in which one finally connects to the Divine)


As already mentioned ‘Yoga, Meditation & Nature Cure’ together with a healthy life-style, should be an integral part of our lives from childhood to our Golden years for ‘Sampurna Swastha’.

Yoga is Universal! It has nothing to do with religion or beliefs or creeds. It is for all human beings. No medicine is as effective as Yogic practices to improve one’s physical fitness for healthy living.

It is non-invasive, drugless and it is essential for ‘Total Health’.

Yoga, with all its components, can reverse or prevent many a modern-day illness and can help manage stress, which is a precursor to many other conditions of ill-health like high blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes, depression, insomnia, migraines, anxiety disorders, alcoholism, smoking & so on!

Many other chronic, degenerative & so-called ‘new-age’ & life-style diseases, cardiac conditions etc. can also be prevented, alleviated or reversed through the regular practice of Yoga. Besides high blood pressure, it also reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, body weight etc. and prevents/ alleviates coronary artery disease, obesity, thyroid & other endocrine disorders & can help one live a stress-free & healthy life! 

It can maintain good health & prevent, cure or reverse many other age-related degenerative disease conditions etc. such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, depression & dementia etc.

It can help children remain self-confident and live a healthy, stress-free life.

It can ultimately help one reach your Higher Self and merge with the Universal Consciousness.


SGRH’s ‘Centre for Holistic Medicine’ has a well-established Yoga & Life-style clinic, ably manned by Mr. Ramesh Chandra (NDDY), [Yoga, Meditation & life-style consultant] under the supervision of Sr. Cardiologist, Dr S.C. Manchanda (MD; DM). Dr. Manchanda has done much research (published) in the role of Yoga & Life-style changes in preventing, reversing or managing cardiac diseases & rehabilitating patients of Coronary heart diseases, with or without surgery & medicines.

Both, Dr. Manchanda & Mr. Ramesh Chandra, help patients cope with their respective problems through a healthy diet, fitness routines, yogic exercises, meditation & changes in their life-style! Stress-management is an essential part of Yoga for which relevant Asanas, Kriyas & Meditation techniques, Preksha therapy etc. are taught to the patients. 

For general good health & fitness--- Mr. Ramesh Chandra teaches HRE (Health/ Heart Rejuvenating Exercises) that consist of certain exercises from head to toe.

For most patients, the exercises have to be tailor-made to suit their condition. 


The ‘Universal Prana Scanner’ (UPS) is an instrument that scans & measures a person’s positive & negative ‘Energy’ in his Aura & Chakras and his reaction to certain foods, medicines or surroundings (Geopathic stress/ Vaastu Dosh).  (See detailed information on “UPS”). 

Mr. Ramesh Chandra (especially trained at Hyderabad) is adept at using the UPS and in analyzing its readings. 

  • The UPS can scan not only the human Aura or Prana or energy-flow, it can sense or measure congestion, depletion, disturbances or negative energies in all living things and surroundings. 
  • In patients, it can predict the conditions of his organs, Chakras or parts of his body which may be unhealthy or susceptible to disease later on.
  • After the scanning & its analysis, a spiritual healer can sweep out & cleanse the negative energies, replace them with positive energies, correct the flow of Energy & re-energize the affected organs & Chakras.
  • Since each individual reacts differently to the energies of color, foods, medicines, water, geopathic stress etc., the UPS can indicate the sensitivity of the individual to that particular agent.
  • E.g. it can test the patient's saliva against at least 9 common cereals and indicate whether it suits the person or not, and hence helps in diagnosing ‘food allergies’ and so on…. It may be used to determine the quality of foods too!
  • Geopathic stress (negative energy in the earth or part of house or in particular location) i.e., Vaastu Dosh can cause mental & physical ill health, e.g. depression, stress, anxiety violent anger, nervousness, bed-wetting (especially in children), palpitations etc. The UPS can be used to find out where the negative or disease-causing energy is coming from and then remedy it.
  • The UPS can also be used to locate water sources deep under the earth. It can be used to indicate the quality of water too.
  • It can help determine the compatibility of a particular medicine with the patient or disease. It also helps in determining the quantity & frequency of dose for a particular patient.
  • It can determine the compatibility between 2 people, or between an individual and his vehicle, plot, house etc.
  • It can be used to locate underground or earthed power cables, drainage pipelines etc.

In short, it can be used to scan the whole body for diagnoses, find the negativity in various energy-fields & geopathic stress or Vaastu Dosh, susceptibility to food, medicine & allergens, for measuring energy/ quality of plants, fruits & vegetables, seeds, water, soil …. list is endless!

Please note: It is important to learn Yoga thoroughly from an experienced therapist, before doing it on one’s own.

Booklets & CDs of the general exercise routine (HRE) are available with Mr. Ramesh Chandra.