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Dr. Jayashree Sood

Advisor, Member

Anaesthesiology, Pain & Perioperative Medicine

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Dr. Jayashree Sood

Dr. Jayashree Sood

Indexed Journals: 134

Non-Indexed Journals: 19

Chapters In Books: 32

Languages Spoken: Hindi, English, Punjabi, Pahari
Education: MBBS - B.J.Medical College, Pune (1973) | MD - PGIMER, Chandigarh (1977) | FFARCS - United Kingdom (1979) | PGDHHM - Pune (2005) | FICA - Delhi (2012)

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Positions Held
  • Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
    Chairperson, Anaesthesiology and Hony. Secretary, Board of Management
    1984 - 2023
  • ISA Delhi
Professional memberships
Training and Certifications
Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative