Mental health therefore defines a person’s psychological, emotional, and social state. It progresses how we think, feel, and behave, and how we manage stress, engage with others, and decide. The need to seek help when experiencing mental health issues does not discriminate based on age, gender, or roots. But they are more common among men than one would expect. Men have a 3-4 greater risk of suicide than women, and clinical depression is the biggest cause of disability for men between 15-44 years of age. However, the data reflects that male mental health has issues that are quite neglected and demonized to some extent.
The attitudes that are implied on men and expected from them include that in their homes and society men are seen as providers for their families, protectors of the family, and the final authority in most decisions affecting the family. It is quite apparent that thus, the efforts to adhere to such expectations might put quite a significant level of pressure, and might compound feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Culturally, males especially feel uncomfortable when they are sympathizing or even seeking help because they are afraid that they will be regarded as being fragile or incompetent to handle day-to-day challenges.
In addition to this, males are less willing to go for counseling for mental problems, this is because they have never noticed it as an issue. This ignorance continues to fuel the malicious cycle of railing out man’s health subject matter and in the process deterring them from seeking help.
Mental health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being in adult male partners. Self-health in relation to man is important as it will affect not only him alone but also his close friends, family, and the community. At their best, men who are emotionally and mentally healthy will be better partners, fathers, and employees as stated by the specialists from the best psychiatrist hospital in Delhi. They are also inclined to practice preventive measures including health checkups, observing healthy diets, and desirable levels of physical activities that can act as a buffer against lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes among others.
For many centuries now, there has been a false standard of ‘masculinity’ that equates manhood with some form of psychological invulnerability. To counter such stereotyping therefore one needs to encourage open conversation specifically with men on the issues that they undergo resulting in such stigma.
So, the best way can be the discursive strategy, which is to introduce the notion of ‘‘toxic masculinity’’ – an idea that men should act in a way prescribed by conventional male stereotyping, which is rather damaging to their well-being.
Another way of handling the issue is getting the men to seek help whenever they need it. This can be done by spreading information on where males can get help, through utilizing therapy, counseling, and support groups that exist especially for males. They can talk to their friends, family, or workmates and thus, it is important to ensure such individuals are willing to open up about their sex lives too.
1. Campaign to Raise Awareness about Men’s Mental Health: Although the prevention of mental health disorders requires considerable effort, one of the best ones is to increase awareness of the problem in men and their willingness to seek professional help when necessary. Male partners/fathers can be informed about mental health problems what could be the effect on them, and what help is available to them. This way men will be somehow put in a position that they can recognize when they are in a pool of help and seek help early enough.
2. Open Communication should be the foundation of the communication system because it lays the communication foundation to support organizational objectives. Breaking the barriers concerning mental illness is important in eradicating stigma related to mental illness since; it is something that should be okay for a man to go out and say he is sad or he has a problem and people will accept him without stigma. This can be done for instance by encouraging matters of concern regarding male emotions and experiences with such essential services.
3. Ensuring people access the Mental Health Services they need: A major way of helping men with their various mental issues is to ensure that there is easy access to mental health services and or products including counseling, and therapy among others. Men must be encouraged to seek help when they feel they need it as well as ensure that there are no hindrances to being taken to the Mental Health. Of these barriers, the ones that may be observed are; financial barriers, lack of information, or negative perception of seeking help.
4. Need to Call on Men to participate in Supportive Activities: Men’s mental health can also be improved through specific activities that enhance the individual’s emotional state, and encourage his social relations. This can include engaging in leisure activities or games, giving service to the community, or even being a member of any club. It helps men find friends with similar hobbies or experiences and thus will not feel alone and forsaken.
5. Encouraging Self-Care: Last but not least, the necessity of practicing one self–care to advance the well–being of the male half of humanity. This can mean doing what is helpful for the physical and mental health of the person engaging in such activity such as exercising, eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, or meditating. Men should also be encouraged to go for help if need be, and to know when it is time for them to pull out of work or many other commitments to attend to their well-being.
Some of the topics that should concern any empowered society are; the health of the male population is one area that should be given attention mostly because of the little input it receives. The stigmatization of the topic must be eradicated which will allow men to seek the assistance of this noble organization when they are in need. Thus, by teaching men about this issue, supporting them in sharing their feelings and experiences, helping them find ways to get professional help, and encouraging them to take care of their mental health, men can learn how to take responsibility for the mental health crisis and make the world a safer and more tolerant place for everyone. It is high time male folks came out and spoke about mental health and the need to attend to our emotional and psychological situation as men. To know more, book an appointment at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, today.