However, it must be noted too that a thousand people share the crowded space daily, making the metro stations and trains a haven for germs and bacteria. In India, people learned the hard truth about safe hygiene practices after the COVID-19 outbreak. During that period, the awareness about maintaining safe hygiene practices among individuals was at its peak. But, some very simple hygiene practices must be followed to ensure health and safety during the travel. Here are a few of the major hygiene tips you should keep in mind while traveling in the metro.
1. Evade Using Cash and switch to Contactless Payment
Exposing oneself to cash or ticket dispensing machines increases the risk of getting in touch with a handful of germs. Try to make as many transactions as possible via contactless payment, for example, with a metro card, mobile wallet, or QR code-enabled payments, thus reducing such woeful failure.
2. Avoid Eating and Drinking Inside the Metro
Eating in the metro is prohibited by more than one city's strict rules and is also highly unhygienic. It attracts different bacteria, and the eating of food via contaminated hands can lead to an increased risk of infections. Whenever you are to eat, eat it much before or after your travel ends, and for safety, either first wash your hands or sanitize them properly.
3. Abstain From Touching Your Face
The metro is full of surfaces that are touched most often, and whatever germs are present there can easily travel from your hands to your mouth or inside your nose or eyes. Do not touch your face with your fingers while in transit, especially if you do not have a clean, sanitized hand. Following this one habit can help keep you away from possible infections.
4. Avoid Leaning on Poles and Doors
Most times, passengers tend to hold poles and doors during travel, and these surfaces thus become breeding grounds for germs. Try to avoid leaning completely on poles or doors but rather hold those for balance and sanitize your hands after.
5. Always carry a Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer is one of the most basic requirements of hygiene while traveling through the metro. The most concerning factor about the metro train and stations is that it has a wide range of commonly used contact surfaces like handrails, poles, seats, and ticket vending machines. Once you are in contact with these surfaces, a sanitizer could be used to keep it safe from the disease-causing germs. Always prefer not less than 60% alcohol content in the sanitizer as it is the best recommended for effectiveness.
6. Remember to Maintain Social Distance
This is practically impossible during rush hour while transit through the metro, so it is important to take every opportunity to maximize distance from other passengers. Moreover, if the train is not fully packed, you should avoid standing too close to each other and rather prefer those seats which provide some distance.
7. Carry Disposable Tissues or Wet Wipes
Absorbent tissues or wet wipes will prove beneficial in saving your life in a metro. It can do all: wipe your hands, make a seat clean before sitting, and cover up the mouth or nose for a sneeze or cough. Place disposed tissues into the right bins to avoid contamination.
8. Don’t Forget to Wear a Mask
The pandemic restrictions have relaxed a lot, but using a mask while traveling in a crowded public transport area is still recommended as an effective practice. This ensures protection from airborne infections, pollution, and even foul smells. Depending on the size of the face, you may want to choose something comfortable but breathable, preferably N95 or surgical masks.
9. Wear Comfortable and Washable Clothes
You might encounter too many surfaces and people, most definitely in the case when you ride a crowded metro train. So, you better stick to your easy-wash clothing and comfortable ones. Opt for breathable fabrics that can be washed frequently to prevent the accumulation of germs.
10. Be Coughing and Sneezing Conscious
If you feel the urge to cough or sneeze, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow. This helps with preventing the spreading of germ transmission to others around you. Avoid using your hands because you may later touch surfaces that other people will come in contact with.
11. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly After Your Journey
When you reach your destination, make it a habit of washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Such a way will remove germs, making way for infections not to reach your home or workplace.
12. Be Careful in the Metro Washroom
Most metro stations have public toilets. If you are compelled to use them, try and be as cautious as possible. Do not touch surfaces unnecessarily, and carry tissue paper with you to open doors or press buttons. Wash your hands after you get out. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if the availability of soap is scarce.
13. Hydrate Yourself and Boost the Immunity
Hydration is the key to a strong immune system, and it is an equally important aspect of overall hygiene. Ensure that the body drinks a sufficient amount of water, eats well, and rests to maintain a top-tier immune system. The more hydrated the body is, the better prepared it is to fight possible infections.
14. Be Considerate to Fellow Passengers
Always keep in mind to be a good citizen, not just in terms of personal hygiene but also in considering a cleaner environment for everybody. Do not sneeze loudly, cover yourself when coughing, and do not crowd doorways. Good etiquette makes metro travel comfortable and hygienic for all commuters.
Individuals must be aware of the fact that metros and any other form of public transport are the breeding ground of several germs and bacteria. Hence, following certain tips about maintaining hygiene while the commute will prevent you from contracting any infections. With all metro systems currently servicing millions of commuters daily, maintaining cleanliness and responsible hygiene habits is imperative. All these little changes may contribute to better making a clean, safe, and pleasant environment where everyone feels comfortable by being mindful of their actions. To gather more information about the following hygiene tips while traveling through the metro, book an appointment with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital today.