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Dr. (Prof.) Abha Majumdar

Director, Centre of IVF
IVF & Human Reproduction

Dr. (Prof.) Abha Majumdar

Director, Centre of IVF
IVF & Human Reproduction

As a student of the Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra, Dr. Abha Majumdar’s academic life was marked with several honours and distinctions. She was a meritorious student both at the graduate and the post graduate level. She did her MBBS in 1974, securing first position in her batch and university and was awarded the ‘Presidents Medal’ for the best girl medical student and the ‘Chancellors Medal’ for the best student at the university along with 7 gold medals during MBBS.

She considers herself an insatiable learner, hence likes to apply knowledge pragmatically to her cases. This quality was pivotal in establishing the technology of IVF at Sir Ganga Ram hospital New Delhi in northern India and has made her the mother of the first IVF baby delivered on 21st September 1991 at SGRH. Development continued rapidly and now this centre has grown into one of the largest institutional centers of the country catering to a huge number of IVF cycles a year with pregnancy rates matching those of the best centers across the globe. Considered as pioneer in her field she wants to encourage honest and ethical practices in this field and do what is best for every patient in giving them the joy of parenthood.

She is one of the few IVF clinicians who continues to manage high-risk pregnancies as well as perform fertility enhancing surgeries, thus treat all aspects of infertility to carry the woman across her journey to live birth. As a professional, she does not hesitate in applying new methods to her work, exploring the world literature for reports of very challenging cases and their management. She says, ‘Is it worth taking so much risk is a question I have often asked myself’, but possibly this is the how new developments and discoveries in medicine occur. ‘Masterly inactivity and timely intervention’, is a popular dictum she follows. An example of one innovation is how she successfully saved the second twin by prolonging the intrauterine life for him by 104 more days, after delivery and loss of the first baby of the twins at 4 months gestation.

She is the first and only clinician of north India who has been recognized to run the post-doctoral fellowship program in reproductive medicine by prestigious national Board of Examination (NBE) from the private sector since 2008 and conducts exit examination as examiner for doctors pursuing this course across the country since 2011.

However, at this juncture of life, her greatest priority is to share her learnings and expertise by means of lectures, articles, and videos, with fellow junior doctors wishing to learn. She has prioritized her patient’s physical, emotional, and mental concerns and maintained the highest ethical standards while imparting treatment and medication to her patients. She is a dedicated medical practitioner who has devoted her life and career towards unraveling the mysteries associated with human reproduction and have been pursuing and disseminating knowledge and information for the same.

Couples with infertility requiring IVF and IUI to achieve parenthood. Laparoscopy to remove fibroids, endometriosis, tubal blocks, and pelvic resurrection. Hysteroscopy to treat intra-uterine pathologies hindering conception. High Risk Obstetrical management Medical management for menstrual abnormalities from adolescents across reproductive age to menopause, treatment of lack of ovulation and hormonal disturbances to achieve fertility.

English, Hindi, Bengali

IVF, IUI, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Open surgeries, Vaginal deliveries as well as Caesareans and operating complicated cases

Infertility, ART, Reproductive endocrinology, Endoscopic surgery for pelvic resurrection and ART

  1. Microsurgery, Endoscopy for resurrection of pelvis and uterus and IVF , ,

  2. 1977-1979

    Demonstrator-cum-resident , Department of Obstetrics

  3. 1979-1981

    ADMO , S.E. Railway Hospital, CKP, India

  4. 1981-1986

    Specialist Grade 1(Obs. , Central Referral Hospital, Misurata Libya

  5. 1987-1992

    Junior Consultant , Department of Obs.

  6. 1992-1996

    Associate Consultant , Centre of IVF

  7. 1996-2001

    Senior Consultant and Independent charge , Centre of IVF

  8. 2001-2011

    Head , Centre of IVF and Human Reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

  9. 2011-2023

    Director , Centre of IVF and Human Reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

  10. 2012-2023

    Designated Professor , GRIPMER, Sir Ganga Ram Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and research

  11. 2018-2022

    Board Member Executive member , Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

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