Organ transplantation is a medical procedure that saves lives by replacing damaged or diseased organs with healthy ones. However, there is a shortage of organ donors in India, and many patients die waiting for a transplant. To help solve this problem, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has created a special program to encourage people to donate their organs after they pass away.
The hospital's organ donation program works with different organizations to raise awareness about organ donation and make it easier for people to donate. They also educate the public about the importance of organ donation and dispel common myths and misunderstandings.
At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, strict ethical and legal guidelines are followed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both donors and recipients. They provide counseling and support to both families before, during, and after the transplantation process.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has established a Hospital Organ Donation Registry, which serves as a national center for encouraging organ donations, ensuring fair distribution, and maximizing the use of human organs. The registry maintains a waiting list of terminally ill patients in need of transplants, registers donors, matches recipients with donors, coordinates the organ procurement and transplantation process, and shares information with hospitals, organizations, and individuals. Additionally, the registry creates awareness and promotes organ donation and transplantation.
An Organ Donation Registry is a database that maintains a record of people who have agreed to donate their organs after they pass away. It is an essential system that helps to promote organ donation, ensure fair distribution of organs, and maximise the use of donated organs. The registry is used to match donors with recipients based on medical criteria and other factors, such as blood type and location. It helps to streamline the donation and transplantation process, making it more efficient and effective. The registry also provides a platform for raising awareness and educating the public about the benefits of organ donation. Organ Donation Registries play a crucial role in saving lives and improving the quality of life for those in need of a transplant.
Life is too precious to be lost to an organ failure. But millions have lost their lives when a vital organ failed to function in their body. The fact is, medical advances in the field of transplant immunology, surgical management and organ preservation have made the transplantation of vital organs possible. Thus providing a viable approach to the management of diseases that cause irreversible organ failure. So, all you need to know and do is pledge for donation and help precious lives from being lost before their time.
Organ donation is the process of voluntarily giving one's organs or tissues to be transplanted into another person who is in need of a transplant. It is a selfless act of giving the gift of life to someone who is suffering from organ failure or a life-threatening condition.
Organ transplantation has the potential to save and improve the lives of individuals with end-stage organ failure, allowing them to resume a normal and productive life. Organs that can be donated include the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, and small intestine, while tissues such as corneas, heart valves, skin, and bones can also be donated.
Organ donation is a highly regulated process that adheres to strict ethical and legal guidelines to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of organs. It requires the informed consent of the donor or the donor's family, as well as coordination and collaboration among healthcare professionals, transplant teams, and organ procurement organizations.
By choosing to be an organ donor, individuals have the power to make a profound impact on the lives of others, even beyond their own lifetime. It is a noble act of compassion and generosity that has the potential to bring hope, healing, and renewed life to those in need.
Living related donors are limited to immediate blood relations such as siblings, parents, and children, according to the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994. Specific organs that can be donated by living donors include one kidney (as the remaining kidney can adequately maintain bodily functions), a portion of the pancreas (as half of the pancreas is sufficient for pancreatic functions), and a segment of the liver (as the donated segments can regenerate over time).
Cadaver organ donors can donate all organs after brain death has been declared. When a person is declared brain dead or has experienced irreversible loss of brain function, their organs can be surgically retrieved and preserved carefully. These organs are then transplanted into recipients who are matched based on factors such as blood type, tissue compatibility, and medical urgency.
Living donation involves a thorough medical evaluation of the potential donor to ensure compatibility and minimize any risks associated with the donation. Deceased organ donation requires careful coordination among healthcare professionals, transplant teams, and organ procurement organizations to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of organs.
Both living and deceased organ donation play crucial roles in saving and improving the lives of individuals with end-stage organ failure. By voluntarily donating their organs, individuals have the power to make a significant impact on the lives of others, offering hope and a second chance at life.
Organ and tissue donation can potentially save and improve the lives of many individuals who are in need of transplantation. The following organs and tissues can be donated:
Heart: The heart can be transplanted to replace a failing heart in a recipient.
Lungs: Both lungs or a single lung can be donated to individuals with severe lung diseases.
Liver: The liver can be transplanted to replace a diseased liver in a recipient.
Pancreas: The pancreas can be donated to individuals with diabetes or pancreatic diseases.
Kidneys: Both kidneys or a single kidney can be donated to individuals with kidney failure.
Eyes: The corneas of the eyes can be donated to restore or improve vision in recipients.
Heart Valves: Valves from the heart can be donated to replace damaged or diseased valves in recipients.
Skin: Donated skin can be used for grafts to treat burn victims or individuals with severe skin injuries.
Bones: Donated bones can be used for transplantation in orthopedic procedures, such as joint replacements or reconstructive surgeries.
Bone Marrow: Bone marrow donation can be done to treat certain types of blood disorders, such as leukemia or lymphoma.
Connective Tissues: Donated connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, can be used for reconstructive surgeries or to repair damaged tissues.
Middle Ear: Tissues from the middle ear can be donated to improve hearing in individuals with hearing loss.
Blood Vessels: Donated blood vessels can be used for grafts in cardiovascular surgeries to repair damaged blood vessels.
Brain death is a medical condition characterized by the irreversible loss of all brain functions, including the brainstem. It is considered a legal and medical definition of death in many countries. When a person is declared brain dead, their brain can no longer send signals to perform vital functions such as breathing, maintaining blood pressure, and responding to stimuli. They cannot regain consciousness or engage in any conscious activity.
Medical interventions like mechanical ventilation may be used to support organ function until organs can be recovered for transplantation. Brain death often occurs due to severe head injuries, brain tumors, or certain neurological conditions. Patients diagnosed as brain dead may become potential organ donors, providing a chance of new life to recipients in need of organ transplantation.
It is important to distinguish brain death from a coma or vegetative state, as brain death involves a complete and irreversible loss of brain function. Coma or vegetative state, on the other hand, may still involve some brain activity despite the absence of consciousness.
Brain death plays a crucial role in organ transplantation, allowing for the retrieval of organs from deceased donors to save the lives of patients with organ failure.
The prompt response in organ transplantation is essential to optimize the viability and functionality of donated organs. Once brain death is confirmed, medical teams promptly assess the organs' suitability for transplantation and coordinate the logistical aspects of retrieval and transplantation. The aim is to minimize the time between brain death declaration and organ transplantation.Timely organ transplantation enhances the likelihood of successful procedures and improves outcomes for recipients eagerly awaiting life-saving transplants.
It is worth noting that the specific timeframe for organ transplantation may vary based on factors such as the type of organ, the recipient's condition, and logistical considerations. Nevertheless, the primary objective remains to prioritize and expedite the transplantation process, maximizing the benefits for both donors and recipients.
Anyone, regardless of age, race or gender can become an organ and tissue donor. If he/she is under the age of 18 years, then the consent of parent or legal guardian is essential. Medical suitability for donation is determined at the time of death
Donors who have during their lifetime consented for organ donation in writing in the presence of two witnesses (at least one of whom is a near relative), should carry their donor cards with them and also express their wishes to their near and dear ones. In case of no such consent or donor pledge form was filled before death, then the authority to give consent for organ donation lies with the person lawfully in possession of the dead body.
Here are some terminal diseases which can be cured by the transplantation:
1 | Heart | Lungs | Kidneys | Liver | Pancreas | Eyes | Heart valve | Skin |
2 | Heart failure | Terminal lung illnesses | Kidney failure | Liver failure | Diabetes | Blindness | valvular disease | Severe burns |
Your vital organs will be transplanted into those individuals who need them most urgently. Gifts of life (Organs) are matched to recipients on the basis of medical suitability, urgency of transplant, duration on the waiting list and geographical location.
No, there is no charge nor payment for organ/tissues used in transplantations. Organ donation is a true gift
No. The removal or organs or tissues will not interfere with customary funeral or burial arrangements. The appearance of the body is not altered. A highly skilled surgical transplant team removes the organs and tissues, which can be transplanted in other patients. Surgeons stitch up the body carefully, hence no disfigurement occurs. The body can be viewed as in any case of death and funeral arrangements need not be delayed.
Will the doctor ask permission of donation from my family, once the signed donor card is found Yes. Doctor will always ask the permission of organ donation from the family if your signed card is sighted. Therefore, it is important that you discuss your decision with family members and loved ones so that it will be easier for them to follow through with your wishes
It is legal by law. The government of India has enacted the 'Transplantation of human organ and tissues act 1994' in Feb. 1995, which has allowed organ donation and legalised brain death.
No. It can only be removed when a person is brain dead in the hospital and is immediately put on a ventilator and other life support systems. After death at home, only eyes and tissues can be removed.