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Dr. Mahesh Mangal


Plastic, Cosmetic & Hand Microsurgery

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Dr. Mahesh Mangal

Dr. Mahesh Mangal

Dr. Mahesh Mangal is the chairman of the Dept. of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at SGRH. He has an experience of over 35yrs in the field of Plastic Surgery. His years-long hard work and dedication have earned the department a reputation to be one of the centers of excellence in the country for limb reimplantations. He has kept an interest in Hand and Microsurgery, Congenital deformity correction (cleft lip & palate, syndactyly), and Cosmetic Surgery. He has been awarded membership of various organizations of repute, including the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), Indian Society for Surgery of the Hand (ISSH), Delhi Association of Plastic Surgeons, etc. He is the mentor and founding president of the Breast Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons Association (BRASA). Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is a highly advanced tertiary care Centre with state of art operation theatres and a high level of patient care at each step.

1. Paper published in WJPS vol 7: no 2: may 2018 ‘Osseus metaplasia mimicking long bone in intramuscular vascular malformation’. –

2. Paper Published in CMRP Journal ‘Reimplantation of Fingers and Hand Following Amputation by Fodder Cutting Machine: Our Experience of 20 Cases. CMRP Journal October 2016. -

3. Paper Published in IJPS 2018 “Autogenous control augmentation system – A refinement in diced cartilage glue graft for augmentation of dorsum of nose”.

4. Paper Published in CMRP Journal ‘CURRENT CONCEPTS IN GENDER AFFIRMATION SURGERY’ accepted 15 Sept 2017.

5. Paper Published in CMRP Journal “Role of Plastic Surgeons in Hepatic Artery Anastomosis in Living Donor Liver Transplant: Our Experience of 10 Cases”. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 28, 2012. (Indexed in Pubmed). –

6. Paper Published in CMRP Journal ‘GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY: OUR EXPERIENCE OF 20 CASES’ accepted 6 Oct 2017. -

7. “Accidental radiation exposure leading to non-healing ulcers” Journal of Wound Care vol 2 1, 5 0 2 NO.10, October 2 0 1 2. -

8. “Role of Tissue Expander in Plastic Surgery” Published in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Journals 2012, June 18. –;year=2013;volume=3;issue=1;spage=24;epage=37;aulast=Mangal

9. Treating mucormycosis using a multimodality approach: a case series. Journal of Wound CareVol. 27, No. 11, Nov 2018. –

10. “Giant Rhinophyma of the Nose” published in Journal oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2011, July 26. –

11. “Primary reconstruction of Facial Defects” following Excision of Malignant I lesions – S.D.M.H. Journal – Vol. 11, No.4, March, 1988. -

12. “Statistical Diagnostic Significance of SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphate and Serum Amylase Levels in Experimentally Created Simple and Strangulating Intestinal Obstruction in Dogs” – S.D.M.H. Journal – Vol. 12, No. 1, June, 1988. -

13. ‘Post Burn Deformities of Hand (Reconstruction & Prevention)’ published in Rajasthan Medical Journal – April 1985. –

14. “Use of Cross Finger Flaps in Cases of Post–Burn Flexion Contractures of Fingers” - S.D.M.H. Journal – Vol. 11, No. 3, Dec 1987. –

15. Prepared FAQ on “Replantation and Revascularisation of cut body parts” in the website of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital:

Languages Spoken: Hindi, English
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Positions Held
  • SMS Medical College Allumni Associates New Delhi
    Hony. President
  • Hony. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon to Vice President of India
Professional memberships
Training and Certifications
Hand & Micro Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery