The initial factor leading to these skin problems is related to hormonal changes in the body, leading to oily skin, acne breakouts, and uneven skin texture. Environmental factors, like pollution, dust, and harsh UV rays, only worsen the pre-existing skin problems of teenagers, making them more susceptible to pimples, blackheads, and dull skin. Over the past 30 years, there has been a rise of 153.8% in skin diseases and issues due to acne vulgaris and 115.7% due to other skin-related diseases or disorders.
While stress is a major contributor to skin problems during these years, the stress could be coming from academic pressure, peer influence, and social expectations. Studies have shown that high-stress levels worsen acne, eczema, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Hence, it is important to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Another factor that determines skin health is diet. Eating lots of processed foods, sugar, and lacking essential nutrients supporting skin health sets the stage for breakouts, oiliness, and fast skin aging. Teenagers may be unaware of how their poor eating habits negatively affect their skin over fresh, nutrient-rich food.
To overcome all of these skin-related issues, teenagers must try to adopt an all-encompassing skin-care routine, eat healthily, and use stress-relieving techniques. Hydration, a gentle cleanser, non-comedogenic products, and plenty of antioxidant foods will do wonders for their skin health. Mindfulness, physical activity, and quality sleep will also help ensure not only clear skin but full well-being.
One of the most common skin problems in teenagers is acne. Hormonal changes stimulate sebum production, which in turn clogs pores and causes bacterial infections. Hot and humid conditions prevailing in India worsen this even further, with additional factors like pollution and sweat. Acne could be prevented by cleaning your skin with a mild cleanser at least two times every day, which would be optimal. Never pick at, squeeze, or touch a ''pimple". Inculcate skincare products that are non-comedogenic or do not cause blockage of pores. And eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with the addition of drinking water. Even after following the necessary precautions, if the condition persists, then it is advised to consult a specialist from the best dermatology hospital in Delhi or opt for a whole array of home remedies with neem, turmeric, and aloe vera.
Another persistent condition in teenagers is oily skin that results from the over-activity of sebaceous glands because of hormonal changes, and genetics, as oily skin is more prone to develop severe acne, leading to more skin-related issues. This condition could be prevented by using oil-control face washes that contain tea tree oil or clay. Avoid over-scrubbing because it can only aggravate more oil secretion, and by using a light oil-free moisturizer. The best treatment option for oily skin is by using blotting paper to absorb excess oil. Also, by adding face packs with oil-absorbing properties like Multani mitti (Fuller’s Earth) into the skincare regime.
Hyperpigmentation from various causes can set in due to exposure to the sun, being scarred from acne, changes in hormones, or inheriting them genetically, leading to dark spots and pigmentation. This could be prevented by always wearing sunscreen (SPF 30 or above) when going out. Avoid picking at pimples, as that can promote the formation of marks, and involve vitamin C serum and natural remedies such as lemon juice and turmeric in the skincare routine. Home remedies like aloe vera and raw potato juice also act as good de-pigmentation agents. Creams with niacinamide and kojic acid are available over the counter for treating pigmentation.
Dry Skin in teenagers symbolizes dry, flaky skin due to weather changes, harsh soaps, or lack of hydration. That could be prevented efficiently by using a gentle and hydrating cleanse or thick moisturizer right after taking a shower, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding hot showers. The best treatment options for dry skin are utilizing shea butter or hyaluronic acid moisturizers, and natural oils like coconut oil and almond oil, or hydrating sheet masks for some extra hydration treatment.
Blackheads and Whiteheads occur when the pores of the skin are clogged with dirt, oil, and dead skin. This could be prevented by exfoliating the skin twice weekly with gentle scrubs or AHAs/BHAs. Avoid overuse of heavy makeup that clogs pores, and wear only oil-free sunscreen. Charcoal masks and clay masks should be used for drawing out impurities. Professional extraction treatments are also done by the dermatologist, and long-term preventive measures can include retinol treatments.
Harsh Indian summers bring about sunburn and tanning in teenagers, which leads to dull skin with uneven patches. It must be prevented by applying sunscreen, whether you are inside or outside of any premises. Try to cover up yourself with a hat or scarf when going outdoors, stay hydrated, and eat antioxidant-rich foods like tomatoes and green tea to avoid any chances of sunburn and tanning. However, it could be treated by applying aloe vera gel for the calming effect on burns, by using a pack with besan (gram flour) and yogurt for tan removal.
Teenage skin issues are common but manageable. With a diligent skincare regimen, effective dietary intake, and potent dermatologist consultation, Indian teenagers can have healthy and glowing skin. Do not hesitate to contact an expert if persistent skin issues affect your or your teen's daily life. Their skin deserves it! For timely treatment, book an appointment at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital today.