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Another milestone to achieve Holistic Health is the addendum of the Ayurvedic Clinic at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. The first school of medicine dating back to the origin of life itself, makes a comeback with all its glory in the 21st century. With the West aping the East on eternal truths and knowledge of life, we need to refresh our old science of sages according to modern ages.

Ayurveda is the science of longevity and living. It is propounded that the knowledge of Ayurveda came straight from Brahma himself and that makes it the medical science of the highest order; for the creator knows exactly the strengths and lacunae in his creation. Brahma passed this knowledge to other Gods and sage Bhardwaja. The sage, in turn, handed it over to other sages. The trend continued and the know-how traveled through generations over the centuries. Ayurvedic principles were documented in detail in "Atharvaveda"- the oldest recorded wisdom of earth (6000 B.C)

Ayurveda is the 'Upveda' of 'Atharvaveda' and Vedas as we all know are the most primitive and earliest / initial source of knowledge on this earth. The word Ayurveda = 'Ayu' + 'Veda' is self-explanatory. 'Ayu' means life and 'Vedas' means science. It is the science that encompasses the essence of life. The rules of perfect living were laid by 'Brahma' the creator, which are unchallengeable. All the four aims of life as elaborated in the Vedas viz. dharma, artha, kama & moksha can be achieved only with Aarogya ie., disease-free / healthy life. Ayurveda is a unique science that deals with the Spiritual, Physical, Mental & Intellectual aspects of human life. It incorporates the knowledge of normal Physiology and Pathological states of life in detail. The insight of this science is sea deep. It maintains that the objects of life science should be i.e. the first aim is to maintain the health of the healthy individual & secondly, to provide cure & treatment of pathological conditions and relieve mankind of its sufferings.

'Health is not only the state of a disease-free body but - 'Ayu' - 'Life' which incorporates four components'

  • Sharir (Physical body)
  • Indriya
  • (Cognitive and cognitive sense organs)
  • Satva (Mind) & Aatma (Soul)

A healthy and disease-free existence of all four of the above components constitutes a healthy life. WHO's definition of 'Health' - "A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease"; fits into the ancient definition of 'Ayu' in toto.

Ayurveda deals with the minutest details of life, whose principles and guidelines are widely applicable, practical, and hold true even after the ages of its advent. It may be labeled as a timeless science with the essence of religion, philosophy, and its theories which have been and will remain valid till the existence of the human race.

It may seem strange, but it's true that, in the gone-by era, medical specialties were highly, developed. Eight branches were recognized, namely Medicine, Paediatrics, Graha Badha (Science of supernatural powers), Eye & ENT, Surgery, Jurisprudence & Toxicology, Geriatrics & Vajikaran.

This system of medicine differs from modern medicine in its holistic approach and the treatment modalities have overtones of philosophical and psychological aspects of life, Moreover the drugs used here for treatment are purely natural, hence causing minimal/no side effects Drugs are administered after proper processing; but as a whole, instead of extracting the main component and mixing with certain chemicals.

The basic principles of this medical science are derived from Indian philosophy. The universe is composed of 5 basic elements, viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Every matter in this universe is derived from a unique permutation and combination of these five elements.

  • Vata, Pitta & Kapha are the three Doshas of the body.
  • Vata represents the factors responsible for all movements and sensations in our body be it at the level of a single cell an organ or the system as a whole.
  • Pitta is responsible for digestion, metabolism & carries out energy transactions.
  • Kapha maintains the firmness of the limbs and is responsible for the maintenance of the strength of the joints & refreshing the sense organs.
  • Dhatus are seven viz. Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda Asthi , Majja and Shukra.
  • They constitute the basic structural framework of the body.
  • Malas are bi-products of Dhatus, which are partly utilized by the body and the unused part is excreted as waste material after the digestion process is completed.
  • Another unique concept of Ayurveda is "Agni" the fire, which governs the entire functioning in communion.
  • All these elements have to be in perfect equilibrium for the body to remain healthy & any imbalance amongst these is liable to produce a diseased state. The three qualities of mind are also illustrated in Ayurveda which is a unique feature in itself.
  • Satva (positive and working for tranquility).
  • Rajas (coloring of the person in all ways by an overriding passion).
  • Tamas (darkness & negative feelings).
  • The dominance of Rajas & Tamas in the mental setup is liable to produce a diseased state of mind; whereas Satva ensures health. This theory is valuable in concurring mental diseases.

Ayurveda offers a personalized cure by assessing the Prakriti of an individual. Each patient is subjected to a series of parameters, whereby the physical and mental constitutions are adjudged in lieu of advocating specific medication. The physical parameters are Vata, Pitta & Kapha and the mental grading is on the basis of Satva, Rajas & Tamas.

Strengths of Ayurveda

The common users of Ayurveda are individuals who have incurable, non-life-threatening conditions, that may be chronic. The second largest group of users is those struggling with chronic, potentially life-threatening diseases.

Both groups turn to Ayurveda to improve their immune status, improve overall functioning & quality of life, cope with side effects from conventional therapies, and relieve symptoms related to their illness.

In lieu of fulfilling its basic aim in the prevention of the health of healthy individuals, this science has delineated specific rules of daily regimen ( Dincharya) & seasonal regimen (Ritucharya). These have to be followed with specifications in accordance with individualistic Prakriti (the inherent body-mind constitution). This aids a great deal in the restoration & maintenance of health.

In addition, the application of Pathya Apathya Vyavastha (Dietary recommendations and restrictions), along with specified medications; is the hallmark of Ayurvedic prescriptions. This facilitates the restoration of health and balancing the Tridoshas (bio-humors).

Ayurveda provides a number of single, compound Herbal / Herbo mineral Rasayana Drugs contributing unique Rasayana therapy having diversified actions on different systems of the body viz. immuno-modulation (on the immune system), antioxidant action (prevents bio-oxidation thereby checking age-related disorders, autoimmune disorders, degenerative disorders), adaptogenic effects (on the psychoneurotic endocrine system) and so on.

The unique Panchkarma therapy targets getting rid of the toxins from the body in toto. These are palliative and purificative regimens, which aid in the establishment of the normalcy of the body's functions


1. Preparative Modalities

  • Snehan (Oleation Therapy)
  • Swedan (Sudation Therapy)

 2. Purificative / Therapeutic Modalities

  • Vaman Karma (Emesis Therapy)
  • Virechan Karma (Purgation Therapy)
  • Basti (Enema Therapy)
  •  Nasya (Errihins)
  • Raktamokshan (Blood Letting)

Ayurveda has a comprehensive individualistic approach to the selection of appropriate therapy considering the body as a whole, not merely treating the disease. Besides this, Ayurvedic Swasthavritta / Sadvritta provides various counseling regimens to combat stress-related problems, thereby improving the vital strength & immunity (Vyadhi Kshamatva) that ultimately helps in managing the symptoms efficiently and improving the quality of life!

Ayurveda has in store to offer rational and effective management of Piles, frozen shoulders, sprains, premature greying of hair, etc.

To summarize - Ayurveda aims at relieving the ailing humanity of its agony and pain. The ancient wisdom of Vedas is on the platform of mass revival and is at your doorstep for exploration.

1. Gastrointestinal diseases-Viral hepatitis, acid peptic disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel disease.

2. Metabolic diseases-Hypertension, diabetes, obesity.

3. Degenerative diseases-Osteoporosis, degenerative joint disorders, osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc prolapse.

4. Immune system disorders-Ankylosing spondylosis, rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Nervous system disorders-Myopathies, hemiplegia, facial palsy, polyneuritis, sciatica.

6.  Urinary tract disorders-Cystitis, renal ureteric vesicular calculi ( below 10 mm ).

7. Respiratory tract disorders-Ashma, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia.

8. Dermatological afflictions-Psoriasis, eczematous dermatitis, vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, skin tags, warts, chloasma, alopecia.

9. Gynaecological disorders-Menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovarian disease, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, leucorrhoea.

10. Geriatric problems-Peripheral neuropathy, sleep disorders, depression.

11. Sexual disorders-Oligospermia, impotency, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction.

Piles, frozen shoulders, sprains, premature greying of hair, etc.

To summarize - Ayurveda aims at relieving the ailing humanity of its agony and pain.

The ancient wisdom of Vedas is on the platform of mass revival and is at your doorstep for exploration.