Department of Radiology was started in 1954 at the time of inception of the hospital. Major break through was achieved in 2 when first CT scanner was installed in the hospital by SNS group. It was first of its kind in northern India and second in whole India. Ultrasound department was started in 4. 1 Tesla MRI was installed in the hospital in 9 which is upgraded by 3 Tesla in 2009. Department of mammography was started in 1999.State of art vascular cath lab. especially designed for vascular procedure started in 2010. SGRH houses a vast imaging department with its unique subdivisions which include conventional radiology, General Ultrasound, Fetal Medicine, CT, MRI and Interventional radiology. All the subdivisions are highly coordinated, equipped with latest technology and managed effectively by number of expert consultants mastered in their respective areas and providing high quality reporting and quality care of patients. Each department is also staffed with highly trained and experienced technical personnel.
The department of conventional radiology is equipped with two digital x-ray machines, one fluoroscopy unit, two high frequency conventional x-ray machine, one mammography machine and one OPG x-ray machine. The work load on an average is 400 patients per day. The procedures done under fluoroscopy control include barium investigations for the gastrointestinal tract, hysterosalpingograms for the female genital tract and a number of procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for hepatobiliary system. The department also does urological investigations such as intravenous urogram and micturating and cystourethrogram. Special investigations like dacrocystogram, sialogram, myelogram are also done. Procedures like deferography are also done which is available in very few centers in India. Portable radiography units are kept on each floor of the hospital ward block for patients who are too sick to come to the main department. Digital portable radiographs are being carried out in the ICU patients.
The department also has a state-of-the-art mammography machine with stereotactic biopsy attachment for diagnostic interventional procedures. On an average 175-200 mammograms are done every month with interventional procedures including hook wire placements and breast biopsies.
Department of Interventional radiology is equipped with latest Philips digital fluoroscopy angiography unit. Each subdivision (hepatobiliary, cardiac, peripheral vascular, and neurointervention) is run by highly experienced and trained senior consultants. A number of interventional procedures including hepatobiliary, renal, gynaecological, neurological and cardiac interventions are carried out. Students are also given sufficient hands on experience in these procedures. Hepatobiliary interventions like transarterial chemoembolization for tumors (TACE), transarterial radiotherapy (TARE), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), Transjugular intrahepatic Portosystemic shunts (TIPPS) and embolization for GI bleeds are done extensively in the department.Others procedures like uterine artery embolization are also carried out.
The ultrasound division of the radiology department is one of the earliest ultrasound setups in the city, started in 2. Since then it has grown steadily, is associated with the first IVF live birth in North India and is currently associated with the highly successful liver transplant programme at this hospital. The department of General Ultrasound is equipped with 5 high end resolution ultrasound Doppler machines. Overall patient overload is average 200 patients per day.
The departmental work load includes routine abdominal ultrasonography, ovulation monitoring, paediatric and neonatal sonography, neurosonography, mammosonography, musculoskeletal sonography, transvaginal and transrectal sonography, sonography of small parts such as thyroid, parathyroid, and scrotum. Doppler sonography for abdomen, pregnancy, carotid and peripheral vascular diseases, transplant kidney and impotency are performed routinely. A number of invasive procedures (aspiration of liver abscess, USG guided biopsy/fnac) under sonographic guidance are carried out. Service is also provided for sonographic guidance for In Vitro Fertilisation procedures in the IVF operation theatre, surgical and gynecological procedures in other operation theatres & portable bedside ultrasonography. Contrast enhanced ultrasound is extensively done in our hospital which provides useful alternative in renal diseased patients. Newer techniques like contrast MCU are also performed.
Fetal Ultrasound division is equipped with high resolution IU-22 Philips ultrasound machine available only at very few centres across India. The department offers high quality services to the patients with effective coordination between the fetal department and the obstetrics department for the benefit of patients. Special procedures like amniocentesis, cordocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, intrauterine blood transfusion, fetal reduction are also done.
CT & MRI division is equipped with 3 Tesla MRI Machine and class of art slice CT scanner. The CT scanner is a Philips ingenuity multi slice scanner. It is a multi slice spiral scanner differs from previous generation of CT scanners fundamentally in the speed of acquisition of data. There is one 3 Tesla MRI scanner in our department (Siemens Magenatom verio) installed in 2010. Besides routine imaging it has a capacity to perform specialist vascular cardiac MR imaging and breast imaging. Spectroscopy and diffusion cancer imaging are routinely performed.
The Radiology Department has been running a post-graduate training course the National Board of Examinations (D.N.B. degree in radiology) since 1990. The department imparts training in both conventional radiology and modern imaging techniques of ultrasound, CT and MRI. A well planned teaching and training programme, spread over three years is being conducted so as to make the students fully competent to practice, teach and do research in various subspecialties of radiology. Students get an open opportunity to learn in an highly academic environment with regular seminars, case presentations and clinicoradiological meets. Rotations are being done in each subdivision. Moreover, they get an opportunity to learn interventional procedures.
Post graduation course was started in the department in 9. After that in last 23 years 22 students qualified the National Board of Examination and are practicing radiology in India & Abroad. 4 years B.Sc course training program was started in 2011. Our department is recognized as center of DNB practical examination by National Board of Examination since last 2 years.
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | ||||||
X-Ray / Procedures | 99832 | 106488 | 110887 | 110887 | |||||
Ultrasound | 46740 | 48173 | 52228 | 56324 | |||||
CT | 14260 | 18792 | 15680 | 15451 | |||||
MRI | 10800 | 12544 | 31 | 13325 | |||||
Interventional Radiology | 724 | 852 | 1032 | 1190 |