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Obstetrics & Gynaecology



Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Established over fifty years ago, Institute of Obstetrics & Gynacology is one of the primary centers of excellence at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH). The institute provides comprehensive services in medical and surgical care to women ensuring quality. The wide spectrum of services offered nurture every phase of a women ensuring quality. The wide spectrum of services offered nurture every phase of a woman’s life – from the nascent stage of the intrauterine life through the blossoming adolescence and child bearing age of the postmenopausal years.

The Institute pursues to excel in the following sub specialties Adolescent Gynaecology, High Risk Pregnancy Care, IVF and Reproductive Medicines, Gynaecology Endoscopy, Gynaecological Oncology, Urogynaecology and Menopausal care. Among the leading tertiary care centers of the country, the Institute is the preferred destination for patients from most of the northern states. Annually, about 25,000 out patients are attended , 5000 gynaecological surgeries are conducted and about 2200 deliveries take place, two – thirds of these being high risk pregnancies.

There is a well designed, comprehensive teaching programme for the DNB residents as well as nursing trainees. The Institute accepts observer ships to the programmes offered by the hospital and also by the federation of Obstetrics and gynaecology societies of India (FOGSI). Research work is given a special impetus and the Institute has coveted research projects in collaboration with the Institute of Biotechnology and World Health Organization. Apart from this various academic studies are planned each year to find simple and plausible solutions from scientific queries.

The faculty is actively involved with National board of examination in its far reach teaching programme teleconferencing through IGNOU. Regular CME’s and workshops are conducted on various topics . These events are especially looked forward to and heavily attended by the fraternity from Delhi and beyond.

Spectrum of Services

  • Prenatal care & counseling
  • Fetal diagnostic & therapeutic procedures-(Amniocentesis, Chorionic villous sampling, Placental biopsy, Intrauterine transfusion)
  • Antepartum fetal surveillance
  • Continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring
  • Epidural analgesia in labor
  • Care & Delivery of normal & high risk pregnancies
  • Adolescent care
  • Management of gynaecological problems
  • Contraceptive advice and family planning services
  • Comprehensive care of matured women
  • Preventive oncology
  • Assisted reproductive techniques (IUI, IVF, ICSI, P- ICSI)
  • Gynaecological surgeries
  • Gynaecological cancer surgeries
  • Gynaecological endoscopic surgeries
  • Robotic Surgery


  • Adolescent Clinic
  • Gynae Endoscopy Clinic
  • High Risk Pregnancy Clinic
  • Clinic for Matured Women
  • Gynae Oncology Clinic
  • Urogynaecology Clinic
  • Infertility Clinic

Adolescent Gynae clinic

The adolescent clinic is run by the Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The clinic provides free consultation for adolescent girls aged 10-19 years. The health of the youth of a country is crucial for its development and their impressionable minds can be molded very easily. India has 225 million adolescents that include 12% in the 10-14 years & 10% in the 15-19 age group (2001 census).

The aim of the clinic is to provide services covering every aspect of adolescent health including growth & development, common menstrual problems, immunization, nutritional deficiencies like anaemia, mental health issues including anxiety, depression & suicidal tendencies, adolescent reproductive & sexual health withspecial focus on HIV, AIDS & other STD’s & contraception, teenage pregnancy & benefits of regular exercise & meditation.

The clinic activity collaborates with other specialists namely the peadiatricians, child psychologist & child endocrinologist.

Days & Timings: Every Saturday in Room No – F-64 from 11:00am to12:00 noon.

Consultants : Dr. Chandra Mansukhani & Dr. Sakshi Nayar.

Gynae-Oncology Clinic - The clinic provides state of art facilities for early diagnosis & management of genital tract malignancies like carcinoma cervix, uterus, ovaries, etc.

Special emphasis is laid on screening for genital tract cancers with screening tests available like PAP smear, HPV testing and colposcopy. Patients are being managed in conjunction with onco-surgeons and onco-physicians under the same roof. Their long term follow up, psychological and social rehabitation services are also being provided.

Days & Timings: Every Thursday & Friday from 11:00am – 12:00Noon in Room No F- 64

Consultants: Dr Indrani Ganguli, Dr. Mala Srivastava & Dr. Mamta Dagar (Thursday). Dr. Harsha Khullar, Dr. Sharmistha Garg (Friday)

High Risk Pregnancy Clinic

The “high risk pregnancy clinic” is run by the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The clinic provides free consultation.

It aims at providing “surveillance and management” of pregnancies at risk due to either:

Past obstetric outcomes like repeated abortions, previous still birth or neonatal deaths.

Medical illnesses complicating pregnancy - high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disorders, thyroid disorders, kidney diseases, anaemia.

Events occurring during the present pregnancy like growth restriction, prematurity, bleeding or leaking etc

High risk patients often require detailed assessment which involves:

Genetic counselling

Prenatal screening and diagnosis with facilities which include biochemical marker screening, chorion villus sampling, amniocentesis, fetal blood sampling and advanced ultrasound for the detection of fetal anomalies. More than 5000 invasive procedures have been carried out in the last 5 years,

Extensive antepartum and intrapartum fetal surveillanc

Specialised neonatal care

The Institute is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for providing the above mentioned care for these pregnancies in liaison with the division of Fetal Medicine, Genetics and Neonatology.

Days & Timings: Every Wednesday in Room No. F 66 from 11:00am-12:00 Noon

Consultants : Dr. K. Gujral , Dr. Chandra Mansukhani & Dr. Sakshi Nayar

Matured Women Clinic

Services for matured women (Menopausal Clinic)

The clinic caters to the spirit, mind and body of the perimenopausal and menopausal women. It focuses on the physiological changes before, during & after menopause. Long-term effects like osteoporosis, cardiovascular, urological problems and Alzheimer’s disease. Neurological problems like anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression. Screening of gynae malignancies Advice regarding life style changes, diet, exercise & yoga Over 1500 patients have been enrolled since 1998

. Day & timings: Wednesday 11:00 am -12:00 R. No F-64

Days & Timings: Every Wednesday Room – F-64 (11am-12 Noon)

Consultants: Dr. Indrani Ganguli, Dr. Mala Srivastava & Dr. Mamta Dagar

Uro-Gynaecology Clinic

The out patient Institute of Urogynae was launched in year 2008. It is held on Thursday 9- 10: 30 am, room no F-61.

It caters to women with urogynaecological problems like urinary tract infection, urine incontinence, LUTS, prolapse, pelvic floor disorders.

This subspecialty of gynecology has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years. Various services offered are as follows:

Urodynamics, various surgical procedures for treating incontinence like tension free vaginal tape, laparoscopic colpo suspension, prolapse repair surgeries.

Days & Timings: Every Tueday from 11am-12Noon in Room No F-64

Consultants : Dr. Geeta Mediratta

Gynae Endoscopy Clinic

State of the art minimally invasive endoscopic management for a wide range of gynaecological procedures like hysterectomy, myomectomy, fertility enhancing procedure, operative Hysteroscopies and gynaecological malignancies etc. Our mission is to be able to effectively do all conventional open procedures laparoscpically.

Consultants : Dr. Debasis Dutta, Dr. Kanika Jain, Dr. Ila Sharma Monday 11 am F-64 Dr. Punita Bhardwaj Wednesday 11am-12 Noon in R. No. F-65 Our mission is to be able to effectively do all conventional open procedures laparoscopically.

Robotic Surgery : The hospital has recently acquired robot (da Vinci System Si) for robotic surgery. Consultants of the Institute Dr. Debasis Dutta, Dr. Kanika Jain, Dr. Chandra Mansukhani, Dr. Mala Srivastava, Dr. Mamta Dagar & Dr. Punita Bhardwaj have undertaken training for robotic surgery. Various gynae surgeries have been performed successfully in the Institute so far.

What is a high-risk pregnancy?

A high-risk pregnancy is one in which some condition puts the pregnant mother or her baby at a higher risk for complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

When should a woman consult a high risk pregnancy specialist?

Before pregnancy – The specialist can help identify factors that increase the likelihood of a high-risk pregnancy and advise her to plan a pregnancy during ideal conditions.

During pregnancy – To help plan a course of action to address pre-existing conditions or conditions affecting the mother or fetus that develop during the ongoing pregnancy.

After delivery – To assist complications that may develop, such as excessive bleeding.

What are some “Good practice points” before planning pregnancy?

One should start with folic acid 5 mg per day at least one month prior to planning the pregnancy Get one’s immune status checked for various conditions :

German measles (rubella), hepatitis B, chicken pox, tetanus. If not adequately covered with vaccinations or natural immunity this is an appropriate time to get oneself vaccinated.

One should get oneself screened for thalessemia trait, diabetes mellitus, anemia, thyroid dysfunction, high blood pressure.

Stop or reduce the intake of alcohol and /or smoking or any other substances being abused.

One should consult a doctor if a medication is being used regularly because some drugs may have a harmful effect on the developing baby and would need to be stopped or changed before planning pregnancy.

Can a low risk pregnancy become high risk later?

Yes, some risk factors may develop during pregnancy as it advances eg. bleeding during pregnancy, baby suspected of not growing enough, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

How often does my baby need testing?

An initial ultrasound is carried out at the fist antenatal visit to confirm the pregnancy, see if it is in the right place and for dating the pregnancy.

Ablood test (First-trimester screen) and a special ultrasound ( NT scan ) are then recommended at the end of the third month for early detection of babies with Down’s syndrome and some other genetically abnormal babies. If this opportunity is missed a blood test can also be done at 41/2 to 5 months and the risk assessed.

A targeted ultrasound is carried out at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy to look for baby’s structural development and pick up birth defects if any.

Subsequent ultrasounds and other tests may be needed to assess the growth of the baby depending on your doctor’s advise.

Remember that regular antenatal checkups can minimize the risk of problems and ensure healthy outcomes