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Interventional Radiology



The Department of Interventional Radiology was established in 2006, at SGRH by Dr Arun Gupta. Interventional Radiology utilizes minimally invasive procedures that are image-guided, to diagnose as well as treat patients in nearly every organ system. These procedures have less pain, a minimal complication rate and quicker recovery in comparison to open surgery.

Our department is well developed with our own IR OPD, IR angio-suite (Cath Lab) and post-procedure recovery rooms. All inpatients who undergo any kind of IR procedure are monitored daily, during morning and evening rounds. Innumerable non-vascular procedures including FNACs, biopsies, percutaneous drainages (PCD) are carried out both on an OPD and inpatient basis. In addition, PTBD (percutaneous trans-hepatic biliary drainage), biliary stenting, PCN (percutaneous nephrostomy), ureteral stenting and stone removal are also performed commonly under local anaesthesia or sedation.

As far as vascular procedures are concerned, all kinds of embolization: BAE (bronchial artery embolization for haemoptysis (coughing of blood), renal bleeding embolization and GI (gastrointestinal) bleeding embolization are commonly performed. Basically these are the procedures to stop/control bleeding from the concerned site and are thus carried out on an emergency as well as elective basis. We are also one of the very few centres that perform lymphangiography and thoracic duct embolization for lymphatic leaks.

Stenting for bowel ischaemia, peripheral arterial and venous disease and TIPSS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts) for recurrent and nonresolving ascites or haematemesis (vomiting of blood) are also carried out commonly by our team. Obstetric and gynaecological procedures including UAE (uterine artery embolization) for fi broids/adenomyosis, PPH (excessive bleeding after delivery), fallopian tube sclerotherapy for hydrosalpinx before IVF and foetal reductions are also performed by our team.

The new procedures that have been started recently in our department include PAE (prostatic artery embolization) for BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia); GAE (genicular artery embolization) for pain due to osteo-arthritis; ablation for thyroid nodules, MSK (musculoskeletal) interventions and pain management procedures.

A training (fellowship) for interventional radiology residents was started in our department in 2013. In addition, DNB super-specialization (DNB-SS) in IR (interventional radiology) was started for the fi rst time in SGRH in our department, from 2019.

Our team consists of renowned, dedicated and well-trained doctors including Dr Arun Gupta – Chairperson, Dr Ajit Yadav – Senior Consultant, Dr Raghav Seth – Clinical Assistant, Fellows, SRs and DNB registrars (Dr Gaurav Yadav, Dr Anadi Gupta and Dr Darshan Thummar). Regular academic sessions including seminars, journal clubs and case discussions are carried out in the department. Our department is also involved in academic research and we have multiple publications in national and international journals. IR procedures have become an integral part of medical care with IR physicians increasingly taking on a clinical role. We hope to expand and develop the department further.


Room no: 6, Ultrasound Department, Ground Floor, Old Building, Ext: 1886