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The Ganga Ram Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education & Research


  • Grlpmer shall function to uphold the ethos and philosophy of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to work towards the mission of excellent healthcare for all.
  • Grlpmer shall formulate broad policies and guidelines to improve medical education, academics and research. This would have a positive impact on improving patient care and prestige of the hospital.
  • Grlpmer will facilitate functioning and coordination of its constituents and it will bring convergence among them.
  • Grlpmer will facilitate creating a link between post graduates, consultants and administration.
  • Grlpmer shall evolve a process to evaluate, monitor performance and provide feedback for trainees, consultants and its constituents.
  • Not withstanding any of the above GRlPMER will exercise no control on the functioning of various departments of the hospital.

Grlpmer will function under the authority and supervision of the Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. The tenure of the nominated office bearers / members of the GRIPMER will be for two years in the first instance and may be renewable for one more term. The Governing Body will have following Responsibilities & Domains:

Grlpmer will function under the authority and supervision of the Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. The tenure of the nominated office bearers / members of the GRIPMER will be for two years in the first instance and may be renewable for one more term. The Governing Body will have following Responsibilities & Domains:


  • The overall management of the GRIPMER will be conducted by Dean.
  • He or she will preside over the meetings of GRIPMER and will be substituted by the Sub Dean if he/she is not available.
  • He/she will also act as a Coordinator to whom all the constituent committees should report if they require help to attain their objectives.
  • The Dean may hold emergency meetings of the Governing Body if and when necessary.
  • The Dean shall have the power to delegate some of his responsibilities to any of the constituents of GRIPMER.
  • He/ She shall have the power to maintain discipline amongst all the constituents.
  • The Dean may suggest necessary action for any improvement to the Board of Management.

The Chief Editor of the Ganga Ram Journal will be an ex-officio member of GRIPMER and may seek its guidance.

The Chief Editor of Current Medicine Research & Practice will be an ex-offico member of GRIPMER and my seek its guidance.

The Dean will present a formal annual report on GRIPMER’s functioning annually to the Board of Management, by the 31st of January of the every year.