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The Department of Ear, Nose, Throat, and Head & Neck Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital provides cutting-edge technology and skills in the fast-evolving field of ENT. It is privileged to be a pioneer in many aspects, developing into one of the most advanced & sophisticated centers of Delhi & North India.

Being a tertiary care hospital, it is a recognized referral center providing a comprehensive out-patient and in-patient facility, with a 24 × 7 emergency service.

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Its state-of-the-art, outpatient department is situated on the first floor accessed by stairs or the lift.

It has four independent OPD chambers fully equipped with sophisticated E.N.T examination units. Instruments used to examine the patients are autoclaved to sterilize them, assuring a safe and hygienic examination.

The OPD complex houses a Minor OT, a Voice and Swallowing center, a Vestibular lab, and an Audiometry room.

Minor Operation Theatre

Situated in the OPD Complex, it is equipped for diagnostic and post-operative nasal endoscopies. Nasal cautery for epistaxis (nasal bleeding), taking biopsies whether nasal or for other growths. It has an operating microscope and oto-endoscopes for carrying out diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of the ear. Sialendoscopy for salivary duct disorders, diagnostic as well as for treatment is also being done. Coupled with an endoscopic camera these procedures can be seen on the monitor. Equipped with appropriate resuscitative equipment as per NABH guidelines provides a safe environment for the patients.

Voice and swallowing disorders center

The department has the state-of-the-art Kay’s Pentax laryngoscopy & stroboscopy system for the diagnosis and treatment of people with voice disorders. Exquisite visualization and examination of vocal fold movements are now possible by coupling it to a chip on the tip camera flexible laryngoscope and stroboscope.

We provide care to not only the general population but also voice professionals like teachers, lawyers, theatre actors, and singers.

The center also has the facility of trans-nasal esophagoscopy examination (TNE) for patients suffering from various swallowing disorders, including neurological ones by performing Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES).

The department has Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) to offer Speech Therapy and offer appropriate measures as an integral part of the overall treatment for these disorders. Botox injection for dysphonia and swallowing disorders is also given routinely.

Vestibular lab and neuro-otology services

Diagnostic Video-Nystagmo-Graphy (VNG) and other investigations are carried out to establish the cause of vertigo and balance disorders, whether central or peripheral. Therapeutic modalities as appropriate may then be provided.

Audiometry Room

This soundproof room is as per laid down standards and provides hearing evaluation by its Pure Tone Audiometer and Impedance Audiometer (Tympanogram).

Operation Theatre

Two dedicated, well-equipped state-of-the-art operation theatres situated on the 7th floor of the main operation theatre in the SSR building provide the ENT and Head & Neck Surgeons, with well-qualified Anaesthetists and OT staff working as a coordinated team, to perform various procedures and surgeries.

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

The Department of ENT is a pioneer in the field of endoscopic sinus surgery in the country. Wide varieties of surgeries are being performed with state-of-the-art equipment for nasal polyps, fungal sinusitis, balloon sinuplasty, balloon tuboplasty, juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, endoscopic DCR, optic nerve decompression, orbital decompression, and mucormycosis.

Anterior skull base surgery – minimal access nasal endoscopic surgery

The department has been performing a wide array of skull base surgeries including pituitary tumors, esthesioneuroblastoma, sellar, and suprasellar mass lesions with minimum morbidity.

These surgeries are being performed with the Neuro-surgeons as part of a team to provide safety with the best outcomes.

CSF rhinorrhoea is now operated on through the nose, endoscopically, rather than the previous open neuro-surgical approach.

Ear surgery and lateral skull base surgery

Otological procedures such as tympanoplasty, laser stapedotomy, and mastoidectomy are surgical routines apart from performing ossiculoplasty, middle ear implants, and congenital deformities of the ear and pinna.

Lateral skull base procedures including those for glomus tumors and lesions of the petrous apex are also being done.

Navigation Image Guided Surgery

For better surgical outcomes, sinus and anterior skull base surgery, ear and lateral skull base surgery is being performed, where indicated by Image-guided surgery with the latest Medtronics FLEX ENT system, which is now the latest updated version from our previous one functioning since its inception in our hospital in 2009.

Cochlear implant surgery and BAHA

The Department of ENT has had one of the best implant programs in the nation since 2001, with more than 2000 successful implants to its credit being performed in patients of all age groups with excellent results. Our surgeons have been able to successfully operate both ears for a cochlear implant in an increasing number of children. The youngest infant who has received the cochlear implant was 8 months old, while the oldest person was 83 years. The cochlear implant program which was initially for the younger age group has now been incorporated to give immense benefit to the older age group where conventional hearing aids did not offer any relief.

We are also routinely performing BAHA (bone-anchored hearing aids) for a wide number of patients with hearing impairment.


Early hearing detection and intervention program (EHDI) of our hospital by our audiologists enable children detected with hearing loss to get early access to intervention services. It’s supported by literature worldwide that early Cochlear Implantation leads to better speech and language outcomes.

The cochlear implant program is ably supported with the help of specially trained and dedicated audiologists for the rehabilitation of the patients. This is its integral and essential component.

Airway procedures and aerodigestive foreign bodies

An acknowledged center for the removal of foreign bodies from the trachea, bronchus, and oesophagus with state-of-the-art optically illuminated equipment has contributed to a record success rate, with the least complications. Airway surgeries for the pediatric population especially, and also for adults with airway problems such as subglottic stenosis, vallecular cysts, haemangiomas, and other lesions of the airway are also being done.

Voice Disorders

With the state of art Lumenis CO2 Laser, Micro-laryngeal surgeries ranging from Vocal Polyps excision to cancer surgery in selected cases are being performed. Thyroplasty, Augmentation laryngoplasty, as well as sex change voice modulation surgeries, are also being carried out.

Sleep apnoea and snoring disorders

The department of ENT is a pioneer in treatment of the patients suffering from snoring, sleep apnoea, and sleep disorders. For diagnosing and formulating the appropriate treatment modality we practice the widely accepted multi-specialty approach. Lifestyle alterations are usually incorporated along with CPAP recommendations. Awake and Drug-Induced Sleep endoscopy, radiology, and sleep study are required for surgical options for selected patients. Surgeries such as Barbed Wire Snoreplasty and Base Tongue Reduction along with other targeted interventions utilizing the latest equipment such as the coblation and the CO2 laser are being done.

Sialendoscopy and salivary gland disorders

Diseases of the salivary gland and duct such as stones and strictures are being addressed with minimally invasive techniques using sialendoscopy. Apart from its diagnostic utility for many disorders, the sialendoscope can be coupled with fine flexible instruments to remove stones by basketing or with the help of laser, or as a combined intraoral approach.

Dilatation and placement of stents of the duct in cases of stenosis are also being done. This paradigm shift is achieved with minimal morbidity and better aesthetic outcomes usually avoiding removal of the salivary glands by an external approach.

Head and neck cancer surgery

The hospital is equipped to perform surgery for cancers of the head and neck region, including those for the thyroid, parathyroid, parotid, oral cancers, and laryngeal cancers with reconstruction using free local flaps with great success rates.

Teaching & Academics

DNB program

We have a postgraduate program under the aegis of the Diplomate National Board wherein postgraduate students undergo stringent training to become certified ENT surgeons. They also have to write a thesis under the guidance of the faculty as part of the program.

Fellowships & Observers

Fully qualified ENT Surgeons undertake a specific program in one of the fields of ENT, to enhance their knowledge and skills in the department, for a fixed tenure.

Guest Faculty

Consultants of our department are invited to other hospitals, centers, and conferences, nationally and internationally, for delivering lectures and conducting workshops as guest faculty operating surgeons. Inhouse live surgery workshops:

  • Ear surgery – Microscope and Endoscope Assisted Surgery including Laser Techniques
  • Cochlear Implant & Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Surgery
  • Nasal and Sinus & Skull Base surgery - incorporating balloon sinuplasty and Image-guided Navigation
  • Snoring and Sleep apnoea surgery incorporating Coblation techniques
  • Voice Disorders and Laser Surgery including Gender voice alteration techniques
  • Sialendoscopy with laser techniques for stones