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Institute of Surgical Gastroenterology, GI and HPB Onco-Surgery and Liver Transplantation




The Institute of Surgical Gastroenterology, GI and HPB Onco-Surgery and Liver Transplantation was started in SGRH on 24 July 1996 with the aims:

  • Patient care: High-quality affordable care for patients based on ethical practice and scientifi c principles
  • Training: To train GI residents to the highest possible standards
  • Academics: Structured teaching programme
  • Research: Interesting and meaningful research and publish regularly

Overview and Strengths

  • Among the best departments in the country and the major ones internationally.
  • At the forefront in cutting-edge technology and skills in GI surgery and liver transplant.
  • Vibrant and progressive consultants and residents utilizing state-of-the-art equipments provided by the hospital for the best possible care of the patients.
  • The faculty have trained and worked in the leading hospitals of the world including Cambridge, London, Harvard, Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffi eld, Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester, Hamburg, Seoul and New York, bringing the motto ‘Think global and act local’.
  • This advanced training and exposure imbibes excellent surgical competence involving a combination of knowledge, technical profi ciency, communication skills, decision-making and leadership qualities, thus providing the best care to the patients.
  • First DNB course in the country for Surgical Gastroenterology – started in 2000.
  • One of the most prolific and successful liver transplant programmes in the country.
  • More than 1500 major operations performed every year.
  • Regularly performing state-of-the-art advanced laparoscopic GI surgery for cancer of the stomach, colon and rectum. Also performing laparoscopic pouch surgery and other advanced complex laparoscopic surgery in GI and HPB.
  • India’s first International Fellowship Programme of the National Board of Examinations with Christie’s Hospital in the UK.
  • More than 70% of the liver transplants done in the country are being done by surgeons who are alumni of this department.
  • More than 300 publications and presentations including best in the world, i.e. New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, BMJ, etc.
  • More than 50 books and book chapters.
  • Prestigious Gyan Burman Oration with leading GI surgeons from all over the world.
  • Residents Manual of the Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation.

Spectrum of services and activities

Oesophagus: Oesophageal resection – transhiatal/ transthoracic resection, surgery for GERD, Heller’s cardiomyotomy.

Stomach: Partial/subtotal/total gastrectomy, truncal vagotomy and drainage, gastrojejunostomy.

Small intestine: Resection and anastomosis – for tumour, obstruction, ileostomy and ileostomy closure.

Colo-rectal surgery: Haemicolectomy, subtotal colectomy, total colectomy, ileo-anal pouch, anterior resection, ultra-low anterior resection, APR, Hartmann procedure and reversal, colostomy and colostomy closure.

Hepatobiliary surgery: Cholecystectomy, choledocholithotomy, choledochoduodenostomy, hepaticojejunostomy, excision with or without liver resection for cholangiocarcinoma, surgeries for hydatid cyst, hepatectomy for various causes. Portal hypertension surgery – lienorenal shunt, mesocaval shunt, portocaval shunt.

Pancreatic surgery: Whipple procedure, distal pancreatectomy, Frey’s procedure, Puestow procedure, necrosectomy, cystojejunostomy.

Liver transplant

SGRH has one of the most successful liver transplant programmes in the country. The SGRH Liver Transplant team since inception have done over 1000 transplants with a success rate of over 90%. Hospital liver transplant is at the forefront in cutting-edge technology and skills. Many innovative procedures were fi rst done here such as –

  • Dual lobe transplant – Using one lobe each from two donors for a patient for whom either lobe alone would be insuffi cient.
  • Simultaneous liver–kidney transplants – from different donors for a patient who needs transplantation of both organs.
  • Domino liver transplant.
  • Paired donor exchange – when two transplants are performed simultaneously, in situations when two patient donor pairs can donate to each other’s patient but not their own.
  • ABO Incompatible liver transplant without plasmapheresis/IVIG protocols.
  • Posterior sector liver grafts.
  • First bloodless liver transplant in India
  • Teaching and training in liver transplant has been the best with more than 70% of the liver transplants done in the country are being done by surgeons who are alumni of this department. The cost of liver transplantation at SGRH remains one of the lowest in the private sector.
  • Minimal invasive surgery – for oesophageal cancer, stomach cancer, small bowel, large bowel and rectal cancer surgery is performed regularly with enhanced recovery programme with optimal outcome. Other laparoscopic surgery include laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, laparoscopic DU perforation, laparoscopic liver surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic inguinal, umblical and incisional hernioplasties, laparoscopic surgery for IBD, laparoscopic Whipple, laparoscopic pancreaticojejunostomy, laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy, laparoscopic cystogastrostomy, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, laparoscopic retroperitoneal tumour excision.
  • Robotic surgery is being utilized, which brings precise details and excellent outcome. One of the fi rst in North India to successfully perform robotic and laparoscopic oesophagectomy.

Postgraduate teaching and research:

  • DrNB residents – 3 years
  • SGLT fellows – 1 year
  • Liver transplant fellows – 1 year
  • Gyan Burman Fellows – 3 months
  • International Fellowship Programme – Christie – 1 year in SGRH and 1 year at Christie.
  • Observership – Centre of excellence for surgeons from India and abroad.

Academics and research

We have a structured academic and teaching programme which is an integral part of the department since its inception. The residents are encouraged and guided to write papers and some of them even published up to 15 articles in the short span of their residency programme of three years. The department contributes to the quality research output including books, book chapters and various types of articles. We also publish our annual audit, which has all the details of the operative work done in a calendar year.

Gyan Burman Hepatobiliary Fellowship

This is a unique fellowship which was started in early 2000 by the Burman family in the name of Late Mr Gyan Burman, a leading philanthropist. The aim of the fellowship was to help the liver transplant programme and train the young surgeon in the fi eld of surgical gastroenterology. In a span of more than 20 years, more than 130 fellows have been trained from various parts of the world. The Gyan Burman Oration has been delivered by the following distinguished international surgeons:

  • Henri Bismuth from Paris
  • S.T. Fan from Hong Kong
  • Abhinav Humar from Pittsburgh
  • Yuman Fong from New York
  • Sir Roy Calne from Cambridge
  • Pierre Clavien from Zurich and
  • Dirk Gouma from Amsterdam

Faculty members are:

  • Examiners, councillors as well as inspectors and accreditors of various DNB Programme of the National Board of Examinations.
  • Member Court of Examiners, Royal College of Surgeons of England.
  • Laparoscopic Trainer, Royal College of Surgeons of England.
  • Editor-in-chief, editors and contributors of prestigious international and national books and journals.


  • Room no: 2200, 2nd Floor, SSRB Building, Ext: 2200
  • Helpline no: 2068 (Unit-I) and 2088 (Unit-II)