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Fetal Medicine



Department of Fetal Medicine

Department of Fetal Medicine was carved out of existing department of Ultrasound in 2010 to cater to the specialized needs of Pregnant ladies, Fetus & its well being. The department offers high quality services to the patients with effective coordination between the department of fetal Medicine , obstetrics & Genetics department for the benefit of patients.

High quality Ultrasound scans like Viability scan, Nuchal scan, Anomaly scan, Cardiac scan, Cervical scan, Wellbeing scan etc. are routinely done along with specialized procedures like amniocentesis, cardiocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, intrauterine blood transfusion, fetal reduction etc.


  • Fetal Ultrasound department is equipped with high resolution two Samsung 5D, one Philips IU-22, one Samsung mobile ultrasound machines, available only at very few centers across India.


  • Early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities
  • Screening for chromosomal defects
  • Development of safer techniques for prenatal diagnosis
  • Intrauterine fetal surgery
  • Prediction and prevention of stillbirth
  • Prediction and prevention of pre-term birth
  • Preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction
  • Problems of multiple pregnancies


The Department’s primary objectives are to promote and expand education and research in fetal medicine and facilitate rapid translation of research findings into clinical application. The Department encourages and organizes continuing professional education programs, promotion of public awareness, advocating standards of practice and enunciating clinical and technical guidelines.

We regularly train resident doctors in the nuances of maternal Fetal Medicine. We have specialised Nursing & office staff trained to deal with specialised needs of patients. We also have separate sterilised Procedure room with all required equipment.


  • 8:00 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday


Tel:  +911142251758 +91-1142251658

Our Team

  • Dr. Nandita Dimri Gupta
  • Designation: Chairperson and Senior Consultant
  • Qualification: MD Obgyn, Fetal Medicine Specialist
  • Email:
  • Mobile: +919891980051