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Department of Biotechnology and Research



The Department of Research is the ‛Core Research Facility’ of SGRH conducting hi-tech-based research along with deliverable patents and grants across the continent. It nurtures creative and innovative research concepts translating from bench-to-bedside. It bridges the gap by constructing a clinical research question and answer model facilitating interdepartmental multidisciplinary collaborations.

  • The department conducts multidisciplinary research topics in basic science as well translational innovations. To name a few, the international collaborators are Johns Hopkins University, Karolinska Institutet, Rutgers University, and Harvard University. The name of national collaborators are: Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), National Institute of Immunology (NII), Translational Heath Sciences and Technology Institute (TSHTI), Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), South Asian University (SAU), Amity University (AU).
  • The department is conducting 23 research projects that are funded by government agencies as extramural grants (WHO SEARO, NIH-USA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Sabin Vaccine Institute, DBT, DST and ICMR).
  • The department in parallel has 13 research intra-collaborative projects in collaboration with SGRH clinical departments in diverse topics of modern biology funded intramurally.
  • The department performs hi-end proteomics, metabolomics and microbiome research. The other hi-technology-based research projects are in the fi eld of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene polymorphism.
  • The department regularly conducts journal clubs, dedicated seminars under its academic programme. The information is disse.
  • minated via display on the department notice boards as well GRIPMER.
  • The department conducts lectures including research methodology, bio-ethics, biostatistics, thesis writing and also hands-on practical with assessments as required by university guidelines. These are part of the doctoral programme. Presently 12–15 students are enrolled. These scholars bring laurels to our hospital, as they are recipients of national fellowships wherein only 1% of the competing students are awarded the fellowships. The national bodies are INSPIRE-DST, ICMR, UGC-NET, Tata Memorial Scholarship.
  • The department conducts the postgraduate training programme, which supports several universities across India.
  • The department has initiated an invited speaker programme wherein an eminent speaker in respective area is invited to deliver a lecture. This is a monthly programme.
  • The department organizes the research oration and research foundation day every year.
  • The department stands tall in its achievements for several national and international awards and evidence-based publications (20–25 publications per year) with a range of impact factor of 3–45 in national/international journals.

Research facility

The department hosts several hi-end research facilities/equipment that support diverse areas of science and technology. These are modern biology technologies facilitating translation of science in the fi eld of stem cell biology, infection biology, neurobiology, cancer biology, rheumatology, autoimmune and clinical immunology, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, etc.

  • Stem cell biology (dedicated biological hoods, carbon dioxide incubators, centrifuges, inverted microscopes, 4°C refrigerators, -196°C liquid nitrogen tanks).
  • Molecular biology (real-time polymerase chain reaction/quantitative PCR, gradient PCR, automated nucleic acid extraction system, hybridization system, nanodrop).
  • Flow cytometry (FACS ARIA III Sorter)
  • Proteomic platform (2-dimensional electrophoresis, vertical/horizontal electrophoresis, ELISA system, fl uorescence chemiluminiscence, sonicator).
  • System biology (inverted phase-contrast motorized fl uorescent microscope, bright fi eld upright fl uorescent microscopes, microtome, ultracentrifuge, ultra-deep low freezers.
  • Genomic platforms (microarray scanner, pyrosequencer workstation, rotor gene Q, bioanalyser).

Additional support rendered

  • Statistical evaluation and interpretations for the whole organization that include DNB theses, conferences, publications and abstracts.
  • Research and clinical trial application processing beginning from acceptance of trials to fi nal approval from all concerned committees/ departments as per rules and guidelines laid down by the offi ce of the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) and/or the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO).


Room no: 1258, 2nd Floor, Research Block, Ext: 1630/1631