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History of the Department

The Department of Acupuncture at SGRH is one of the oldest in the country. It was started about 26 years ago and it has been actively involved in treating patients. In order to spread awareness about acupuncture, our Dept. regularly organises free acupuncture treatment camps at the hospital.

New Facilities added recently

A new system of diagnosis known as Acujing has been recently added to the Department of Acupuncture. This system utilizes the measurement of energy flow at the pulse level to diagnose a disease and accordingly treat it. We have launched the first online course on Acupuncture, which is essentially meant for the busy medical practitioners who can do the entire theoretical learning online and thereafter come to us for intensive clinical training, which is done over 4 contact sessions of 10 days each ( 240 hours ).

Other facilities

Each patient coming to the Department of Acupuncture is assessed and the diagnosis made according to Traditional method of Tongue and Pulse diagnosis. It is then reconfirmed by Acujing, the latest diagnostic computerized equipment from Japan, to measure energy flow in different channels of the body.

Future plans

We wish to develop a integrated system of medicine, wherein a patient can benefit from the combined treatments of Acupuncture and western medicine.

Departmental publications And Other Achievements

Our department has been involved in continuous research work and presently we are doing our study at the hospital on the ‘Role of acupuncture in pain relief for cervical spondylosis’.

Dr. Raman Kapur is the recipient of “ Padma Shri”, awarded by the Hon'ble President of India Smt. Pratibha Patil, in 2008, for developing the practice of scientific acupuncture in India and curing many patients suffering from intractable diseases. This is the first time in India when Padma Shri was given in the field of Acupuncture.

He received Times Healthcare Achievers award in 2018 in the field of Acupuncture.

Due to his continuous efforts, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has accepted Acupuncture as an independent system of Healthcare/therapy on 21st February, 2019.

Dr. Raman Kapur received certificate for Poster Presentation of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Research Day on 15th May, 2019.

Dr. Raman Kapur and Dr. Sunita Kapur received Doctor Couple Changemakers award for excellence in healthcare on 2nd April, 2023 in New Delhi.

Interviews of Dr Raman Kapur appear regularly in national dailies and on Television.

Dr. Sahil Kapur is a Junior Consultant in the Department of Acupuncture. He is an M.D. in Anesthesia and has a PDCC fellowship in pain to his name. He has been actively involved in the practice of Acupuncture specially in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal disorders, arthritis, sports injuries and lifestyle disorders. His publication on PRICKLING NEURO STIMULATION TECHNIQUE (PNST) has been published in the July, 2023 issue of NAJOM (North American Journal of Oriental Medicine).

Diseases belonging to different organ systems can be treated here by Acupuncture

  • Diseases of the Head and Neck:- like migraine headaches and cervical spondylitis.
  • Diseases of limbs and musculature:- muscular pains, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, low backache, slipped disc with sciatica.
  • Diseases related to digestion:- like irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, and constipation.
  • Diseases related to the respiratory system:- chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases related to the cardiovascular system:- like angina pain and high blood pressure.
  • Diseases related to the genital urinary system:- bed wetting in children, frequent urination, enlarged prostate.
  • Diseases related to the gynecological system:- irregular menses, leucorrhoea, etc.
  • Diseases related to sexual disorders:- like Impotence, Azoospermia.
  • Diseases related to eyes:- like optic atrophy & blurred vision.
  • Diseases related to the ear, nose & throat:- like sinusitis, earache, tonsilitis, laryngitis & nerve Deafness.
  • Diseases related to skin:- like Acne, chronic eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes & falling hair.
  • Diseases related to the nervous system: - including paralysis, polio, epilepsy, and coma.
  • Diseases related to psychiatric disorders (including stress-related disorders):- insomnia, anxiety, mania, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and behavior disorders.
  • Acupuncture also cures addictions:- like smoking, alcohol, and other addictions.
  • Acupuncture is also helpful in Diabetes and overweight.
  • Laser Acupuncture is extremely useful for cosmetic problems like black circles under the eye, Wrinkles and for tightening the facial muscles.

Preventive Acupuncture is also given to patients with a family history of Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma etc.

Here, acupuncture is performed with and without needles. Very fine hair-thin silver needles are inserted under complete asepsis and utmost care is taken to make the procedure absolutely painless.

Many advanced needleless techniques are also available for patients who are very apprehensive of needles. They are:-

  • Soft Lasers:- very effective for cosmetic problems, like acne, wrinkles, crow's feet, scars, and skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis etc. They can also be used on all acupuncture points for different diseases.
  • Sonopuncture:- A high-frequency beam of sound is available, to be used instead of needles.
  • Acutron:- A recent non-invasive device has been introduced in our hospital in which interferential and micro currents are used at acupuncture points to treat all types of acute and chronic pains.
  • Color therapy:- This is a recent modality of needleless treatment in which different colors are used at acupuncture points to balance energy flow.


Q. What is the meaning of the Word "acupuncture"?

A. Acupuncture is derived from the Latin word ‘acts’ and ‘puncture’, where acts mean ‘needle’ and puncture means ‘to penetrate’.

Q. What factors determine the response of a patient to acupuncture?

A. The response of a patient to acupuncture depends on the severity of the illness and the length of time the patient has suffered from it. Other important factors are general health, constitutional type, emotional balance, diet, lifestyle, and any medication the patient has received in the past or is receiving at the time of consultation.

Q. What factors affect the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment?

A. Acupuncture’s effectiveness depends on its ability to improve the flow of Qi ( the life force, vitality, or energy that makes us alive) in the body. If it is blocked, progress will be slow or may not occur. In conditions of great depletion, the patient’s constitution must be built up for acupuncture to have effectiveness in a patient receiving medication from an orthodox practitioner, especially on a long-term basis, acupuncture treatment is likely to be difficult and can take some time to be effective.

Q. How Quickly can acupuncture treat an illness?

A. It is difficult to generalize about how quickly or slowly acupuncture will work. The response varies from individual to individual. Acupuncture’s speed is dependent on Qi, so children and those with good general vitality often respond fast, but older people and those with depleted Qi may expect slower results. The duration of treatment is decided by the duration of the illness. The less chronic an illness, the lesser the number of sittings required.

Q. Does acupuncture cure a problem or provide temporary relief?

A. Acupuncture cures many diseases like bronchial asthma, cervical spondylosis, low backache, acne, frozen shoulder, etc. However, in some diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety neurosis, prolapsed disc, etc. it provides symptomatic relief and the patient has to take treatment at regular intervals (once a month) to achieve complete improvement.

Q. Is it effective as a single mode of treatment or in conjunction with others?

A. It is generally effective as a single mode of treatment.

Q. Does it reduce/decrease/hamper the effects of other simultaneous treatments?

A. It does not alter the effect of any other simultaneous treatment.

Q. Has acupuncture been given formal scientific recognition?

A. Yes, it has been given scientific recognition by WHO, and in many other countries like Sri Lanka, Australia, the U.K., and the U.S.A. the government has acupuncture councils. The West Bengal government has already recognized acupuncture in their state. Research projects on Acupuncture have been financed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at the Ranjit Memorial Acupuncture Hospital, Howrah, West Bengal India. In November 2003, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recognized acupuncture as a ‘Mode of Therapy’ to be practiced only by registered medical practitioners.

Q. What is the cost of acupuncture treatment?

A. The cost of acupuncture treatment can vary from Rs. 1000 to 1500 per sitting.

Q. Which painful conditions can be treated by acupuncture?

A. Acupuncture can treat any pain in the body, ranging from headache, neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, joint pains, ankle pains-even cancer pains.

Q. Can it treat any other condition besides pain?

A. Yes, it can treat a large number of diseases like polio, paralysis, asthma, sinusitis, eczema, deafness, constipation, menstrual problems, hyperacidity, hypertension, psoriasis, facial paralysis, vertigo, laryngitis, obesity, acne, optic nerve atrophy, chronic bronchitis, painful urination syndrome, and all chronic diseases.

Q. Does acupuncture have any side effects?

A. Acupuncture does not have any side effects.

Q. Is the insertion of needles painful?

A. Prior to their first treatment, many people do not believe that acupuncture can be painless. Different sensations such as warmth or pressure may be felt, but the energetic sensation differs from pain. People often comment that the feeling is unfamiliar but pleasant and relaxing. Acupuncture needles are very fine, about the size of thick hair. They are solid and nothing is injected through them. Over the centuries, refined needle insertion techniques have been developed which enable the skilled acupuncturist to place a needle with little or no pain.

Q. Is there any bleeding with needles?

A. There is no bleeding with acupuncture needles.

Q. How often are the needles used in acupuncture changed?

A. Most practitioners must use disposable needles. All medical acupuncturists are required to carry out stringent sterilization procedures.

Q. What treatments are available for patients who are apprehensive of needles?

A. A number of needleless techniques such as Transcutaneous Electro-Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, Sonopuncture, Acutron, and Color puncture are available for patients who are apprehensive of needles.

Q. What is the benefit of electrical stimulation?

A. Electrical stimulation reduces the time required per treatment and is very useful in treating acute conditions. It is more reliable, less tiring, and more acceptable to the patient

Q. Which conditions are lasers most effective?

A. Lasers are most effective in treating various musculoskeletal diseases, skin diseases, and cosmetic problems like acne, wrinkles, scars, and black circles under the eyes, and for face-lifts

Q. What is the Computerised system of diagnosis and treatment in acupuncture?

A. Acujing is a computerized method that allows for diagnosis and treatment by measuring the electrical conductivity at acupuncture points and thus diagnosing the electrical imbalances in the body and then suggesting the treatment. This test is repeated on a weekly basis at an additional cost.

Q. What is meant by preventive acupuncture?

A. Acupuncture can spot the start of trouble before the acute phase begins by identifying the tendencies that could develop into illness. Treatment at this stage ensures the prevention of the disease.

Q. What role can acupuncture play in childbirth?

A. Acupuncture has two main effects in childbirth: It can reduce pain; and it can stimulate the contractions of the uterus, which helps to ensure a healthy delivery. Reduction of pain without the use of drugs is of special benefit, especially to the unborn child.

Q. Does acupuncture offer any hope to AIDS patients?

A. Acupuncture is being increasingly used in the treatment of AIDS, but this being a recent phenomenon, it is difficult to assess the benefits. In the early stage, acupuncture can be very helpful to reactivate the immune system, and at all stages can help to deal with the wide range of symptoms that tend to manifest.

Q. Can acupuncture be used to quit smoking?

A. Acupuncture treatment helps to reduce or even give up smoking. It makes the system more sensitive to toxins and may make a patient feel that smoking is repellent. The patient must be committed to stopping smoking, as acupuncture treatment can only help the nicotine addict- it is not a miracle cure.

Q. Is acupuncture helpful for sleeping problems?

A. It is important to understand that very often sleeping problems are a result of stress. If sleeping pills have been prescribed, it is essential that they are not continued to a point at which dependence, whether psychological or physical can occur, should the patient feel unable to cope without sleeping pills, acupuncture can play a positive role by helping to reduce the drug, while assisting in regulating the patient’s sleeping pattern. Bringing the sleeping pattern to normal may take 4-6 weeks and the patient should be able to sleep without the aid of drugs.

Q. Is acupuncture effective for emotional problems?

A. The Chinese philosophy of health does not distinguish between physical and mental problems, both are treated at the same time and are seen as different manifestations of one pattern of disharmony. Emotional imbalances, if untreated, may eventually result in physical symptoms, and are considered by the Chinese to be one of the major causes of disease. These emotional imbalances are treated by rebalancing, removing blockages, and restoring the natural flow of energy, not by suppressing symptoms with potentially addictive medicines.

Q. What are the limitations of acupuncture?

A. Apart from limitations in the practitioner’s knowledge and skill, and in a patient’s willingness to heed advice, the most significant practical restriction is the need for a practitioner to be present in order for treatment to be given. In ‘an emergency’, a patient needing life-saving resuscitation or surgery or suffering from a serious infection, any life-threatening condition, or a mechanical problem must be immediately directed to the nearest hospital. In such conditions, acupuncture would normally be a useful supplement in improving the final outcome of the sickness, and curing the residual/chronic component of the sickness.

Q. What is color Puncture?

A. This is a recent modality of needleless treatment in which different colors are used at acupuncture points to balance energy flow. A color puncture can be used to relieve migraines, sinusitis, cerebral palsy, optic atrophy, and IBS.

Q. What are Intradermal needles and where are they used?

A. These are small flat needles that are placed at ear acupoints to give continuous stimulation to the related internal organs.

Q. What is moxibustion and where is it used?

A. Moxibustion is a very important component of Acupuncture therapy. Various types of moxa like sticky moxa, mini moxa, etc. are available with us, which are used at acupoints to give mild heat. It is considered to be a very effective tonification treatment for deficiency disorders.

Q. What is cupping therapy and where is it used?

A. Cupping therapy involves the use of special types of cups at acupoints to create a vacuum. This is very effective in treating chronic backaches, neck and shoulder pain, and arthritis.

Q. What are ear candles and where are they useful?

A. Ear candles are a special device that is extremely useful for chronic sinusitis, ear blockage, etc.

Q. What is Plum Blossom Needle and where it is useful?

A. This is a special type of needle used for tapping and is very effective in treating patchy baldness and skin ailments.

Q. What are cosmetic needles and where are used?

A. Cosmetic needles are very small and fine needles that are used on the face for facelifts, acne, removing dark circles under the eyes, hyperpigmentation on the face, etc.

Q. What is Sonopuncture?

A. Sonopuncture is a type of needleless acupuncture treatment in which sound waves are used at acupoints. Different types of sound heads are used to treat a variety of ailments ranging from migraines to cervical spondylosis, low backaches, arthritis, frozen shoulder, etc.

Q. What are ear seeds and where are they used?

A. The ear seeds are a special type of vacca ria seeds which are fixed with tape at specific ear points for giving stimulation to internal organs and are painless.

Q. What is Guasha Therapy and where is it useful?

A. Guasha or scraping therapy is a new therapy where a special type of herbal oil is rubbed into the meridians of acupuncture with a jade stone. It is a needleless and painless treatment and is used as an adjuvant to needle therapy in relieving backaches, neck pain, arthritic pain, calf pain, etc.

Q. What is Acutron and where is it used?

A. Acutron is a needleless type of acupuncture treatment that offers state-of-the-art microcurrent therapies, ranging from milliamp currents to millimicrons and IFT currents. It is very useful in all types of musculoskeletal pain.

Q. What is a TDP (Infra Red Heater) and where is it useful?

A. TDP i8 is a special device from China that produces a spectrum of electromagnetic waves. It is useful in soft tissue injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, hematoma, and edema and in reducing pain and inflammation.

Management of complicated cases


Miss Mona, a 14-year-old girl, had recurrent cough and cold since she was a child, and started wheezing at 11 years of age. She was put on steroids for 3-4 months. When she came to us, she was on oral deriphyllin twice a day, 6-7 times asthalin inhaler a day, and unlimited use of the inhaler at night when she gets up with episodes of wheezing and also nebulizer 2-3 times a night. She started Acupuncture treatment for her bronchial asthma on 24/4/2002. Initially, her treatments were daily for the first month, during which time her nebulizer was stopped and oral medication (deriphyllin) was stopped in the first 15 days of starting treatment. She felt so much better that by the end of the first month, she had totally stopped even her inhaler. Subsequently, her treatment was reduced to thrice a week in the second month and then to twice a week in the third month. She was so pale and underweight when she started treatment and as she progressed, her complexion became rosy and she gained about 5 kg. Weight. Her appetite became normal and she has never experienced any wheezing till now. She will go on once-a-week treatment in the next month and then her treatment will be over. Since the problem of asthma is getting rampant among school-going children, more so due to high levels of pollutants in the atmosphere and low immunity levels. It is important that such children be given Acupuncture as the first line of management so as to cure them of the disease by improving their body immunity.


Ms. Neeru Gulati, aged 28 years, developed Lt. Sided facial paralysis in October 2000. She took Wysolone and electrostimulation and recovered. However, she developed acute pain in the left eye for the last 5 months and she was put on painkillers. As she got no relief, she was started on Tab. Mazetol, initially once a day, to now up to four a day with little relief. She came to us on 27-4-2002 when acupuncture treatment was started on her. Initially, she was given daily treatment for 20 days, during which time she totally stopped all her medication and had substantial pain relief. Later, this schedule was made to alternate days for 2 weeks, then twice a week for 2 weeks. Her pain is now totally cured and there has been no relapse since her treatment was completed.


Mr. Krishan Kant, aged 32 years, complained of left-sided headaches for the last 8 years, which gradually became worse and also shifted to the right side of his head for 3 years. Presently, his pain was only left-sided and he was diagnosed as a patient of migraine. When he came to us for treatment, his headaches had become so severe that he was taking 1-2 tablets of vasograin daily, and he would be suffering from headaches almost 4-5 days a week. His headaches used to get worse with sunshine. He started acupuncture therapy on 27-4-2002. Initially, for the first 20 treatments, the treatment was given daily. Within the first 10 sessions only, he got so much relief that he stopped taking vasograin. Gradually, the frequency of headaches got less. After 20 treatments, the session was reduced to alternate days for 2 weeks, by which time he had totally stopped having any headaches. He could now even move in the sunshine without any headache. He had once-a-week treatment for 2 weeks and then we stopped his treatment. Follow-up till now has not shown any relapse.


Mrs. Anita Shora, aged 37 years, came to us with a history of amenorrhoea (no menses) since December 2000. Her ultrasound showed her to be having polycystic ovaries and she was put on hormone therapy. Even with hormone treatment, she was not getting regular menses, and the bleeding used to be very scanty. Acupuncture treatment was started on 21-8-2001. Initially, the patient was treated daily for the first 4 months, during which time, her cycles became normal and all hormone therapy was stopped. Thereafter, she was given acupuncture only for 7 days in a month, prior to the onset of the menstrual cycle. This process continued for about 6 months. In the month of April 2002, she missed her cycles. A pregnancy test was done and it came positive. An ultrasound revealed a normal growing fetus. Acupuncture thus helped this lady recover from her problem of hormonal imbalance and then conceive a child.


Mr. Manohar das, a 35-year-old patient came to me in November 2001. He is a pilot with Air India and during a routine eye check, he was informed that he is suffering from Central Serous Retinopathy in the left eye, a condition which causes gradual deterioration of vision. He developed this problem in July 2001 and since then he was not allowed to fly anymore. He took all treatments available but to no avail. His carrier was in jeopardy and with this problem, he may have to stop flying totally. An angiography done in November 2001, showed changes in retinopathy, and vision in his left eye was 6/18. Acupuncture treatment was started on 10th Nov. 2001, and gradually the vision of the patient started improving. By April 2002, his vision had become 6/6 in the left eye. He was seen again by doctors at Jaslok Hospital who did a repeat fundus angiography and found that central serous retinopathy had resolved and his vision in the left eye was 6/6. His license for flying which was temporarily canceled was renewed after this latest report. For a man whose career is as a pilot and a condition like this can ruin his career, acupuncture came as a boon.


Mrs. Saroj Modi, aged 67 years, had been suffering from acute pain in her left leg since March 2002. She had an episode of similar pain in the right leg last year but in 6 months she got relieved with painkillers and exercise. However, this time the pain was so acute that in spite of painkillers, no relief was there and she was unable to walk for a few steps also. Clinical examination confirmed a left sciatic nerve root compression. She came to us in June 2002 and her treatment was started on 10th June 2002. Initially, she took 20 sittings daily followed by alternate days and then twice a week sittings. Her leg pain is totally gone and she is able to go on her morning walks like before. Acupuncture is considered to be the first treatment of choice today for lumbar disc prolapse and sciatica, the world over.


Mrs. Sukhda Chadha, aged 60 years, developed paralysis of her right leg along with numbness in May 2001. Gradually the left leg also became weaker. Her situation became so bad that she was totally bedridden and had to use a walker for support to walk at home. She came to us in February 2002. An examination of the patient revealed that she had lumbar canal stenosis which had resulted in the gradual reduction of blood circulation to her legs with constant pain in the legs and numbness and gradually diminishing muscle power. Acupuncture treatment was started on 12th Feb 2002. Initially, she was given daily treatment for over 1 month. She showed such tremendous improvement that her leg pains disappeared and she felt more active. After 3 months of treatment by May 2002, she was able to leave her walker and walk independently. Now in July 2002, she takes only twice-a-week treatments, and her muscle power is returned to near normal. She also had chronic bronchial asthma for the last 20 years for which she was on heavy medication. We concomitantly also treated her for asthma and now she is fully cured and does not use any medication for the same.


Mrs. Kamlesh Dua, aged 65 years, was suffering from acute pain in her left hand since November 2001. The pain used to start from her neck, travel to the shoulder, then upper arm and forearm, and then spread to all the fingers of her left hand. She was unable to even lift her left shoulder and developed gradual weakness in her left hand. She was on regular proxy twice a day, with no relief, and used to be constantly crying in pain. X-ray of her cervical spine showed markedly reduced disc spaces at C4-5-6 levels with osteoporosis. MRI showed degenerative disc disease with disc bulge at C4-5-6-7 levels. She visited us for treatment on 17th April 2002. Her pain was agonizing and she was even unable to sleep due to the severe pain. Within just 3 sessions of Acupuncture, the acute pain disappeared. Thereafter, in another 15 sessions, she left frozen shoulder got cured. Thereafter, we reduced her treatment to alternate days, then twice a week, and now to once a week. She is totally pain-free and even the pain in her fingers has gone. She recovered completely from all her symptoms.


Mrs. Anuradha Bhandari, aged 45 years, was suffering from severe pain in both feet for the last 2 years. She was diagnosed as having calcaneal spur in both feet for which she took ultrasonic, laser, pain killers but with no relief. She came to us on 13th, April 2002, for treatment. Regular acupuncture treatment over a period of 2 months completely relieved her of pain in both feet. Her pain was so intolerable that she was unable to even keep her foot on the ground and walking or standing for long was impossible for her. She used to be mostly in bed because of her acute pain. After she got cured of her ankle pain, she told us about her chronic lumbar pain which has also been taken care of with acupuncture.


Mr. G.N. Khaitan aged 78 years, chairman of Radico Khaitan, used to suffer from Chronic migraines since he was 30 years of age, He had tried all types of treatment without success. He came to know about Dr. Kapur after watching a program on acupuncture with him about 10 years ago. He took a total of 30 treatment sessions with Dr. Kapur and thereafter has never suffered from any migraine headaches in the last 10 years. Recently he developed a prolapsed disc in his back which caused acute sciatica pain in his right leg. He immediately contacted his acupuncture doctor and in just 10 treatments his pain was cured.


Mrs. Sunita Sharma, a 42 years old woman, suddenly had a brain hemorrhage and developed optic nerve atrophy in both her eyes. This led to complete vision loss in both eyes. The doctors at the hospital where she got treated told her that her vision can not come back. Acupuncture treatment with Dr. Kapur has been able to bring her vision back by 60% in over 6 months' time.


Centre for Holistic Medicine, Department of Acupuncture, Ground floor, ( opp. Emergency)

Timings:- 4 pm to 8 pm ( Monday -Wednesday- Friday)

4 pm to 6 pm ( Tuesday-Thursday- Saturday)


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