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Endocrinology is an emerging specialty of medicine. It deals with various hormone disorders. These disorders are the commonest among non - communicable diseases, yet the awareness about them is low in general population. To create public awareness and provide comprehensive treatment about various endocrine and metabolic diseases, a new state-of-the-art department of endocrinology and metabolism has been established in this hospital which was inaugurated on 2nd March, 2000 by Dr. S.K. Sama, Chairman, Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

  • Diabetes and Obesity Clinic
  • Thyroid Clinic
  • Bone Health clinic (Osteoporosis)
  • Growth clinic
  • Andrology Clinic (Impotence, Infertility and Hirsutism)
  • Endocrinology Clinic

Facilities available

  • Round the clock endocrine services
  • General OPD on Tue &Friday 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Daily Private OPD 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • The department is soon going to launch Diabetes Prevention Programme .


1. Diabetes:

The numbers of diabetics in the world is very rapidly increasing esp. in India, where there are about 40 million diabetics. The number of diabetics in metro-cities (e.g Delhi) has been reported to be as high as 16%, thus reaching epidemic proportions.Diabetes mellitus is the commonest metabolic disorder in the world . The prevalence of diabetes in highest among Asians especially Indians. Due to rapid urbanization, cultural changes and changing socio-economic status the incidence of diabetes in metro cities is now reported to be as high as 16% reaching epidemic proportions.

Diabetes is the commonest cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks and gangrene of limbs. This department is especially equipped to provide state-of-the-art management for diabetes . The department is equipped with an independent diabetes laboratory with latest equipment including mini vascular lab , for on the spot assessment of all complications of diabetes . The available spot investigative facilities are :

  • HbA1c
  • Urinary micro-albuminuria
  • Total cholesterol and trglycerides
  • Body composition analysis
  • Assessment of autonomic neuropathy
  • Peripheral vascular studies
  • Facilities for ambulatory insulin infusion shall be available very soon.

The basic aim of diabetes management is to improve quality of life and prevent/delay complications as for as possible. The department is striving hard in this direction. The department interacts very closely with the other departments like - Gynae. & Obst. , Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Nephrology etc. in order to provide comprehensive endocrine management.

2. EYE:

  • Diabetes is the commonest cause of blindness in working age group.
  • Diabetic retinopathy(Leading to blindness)


  • it is also the commonest cause of Kidney failure.


  • Heart Attacks are three times and Paralysis/Strokes are 3 to 5 times more common among diabetics.
  • Complication of Heart (Leading to heart attack)


  • The incidence of Amputations exp. of legs and feet is 17 times more common in diabetics.


  • Sexual problems are much more common in male diabetics.
  • Sexual problems

7. Brain & Nerves:

  • Paralysis / stroke
  • Pain / Burning sensation over palms, soles & legs

8. Diabetes:

Diabetes is a symptom free disease at onset. It usually takes 5-10 years before it is diagnosed. It is preceded by a prediabetic stage which is called Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) which also last for 5-10 years before progressing to frank diabetes. It is during this pre-diabetic stage (IGT) that long term complications of diabetes start appearing. Hence, it is important to identify the high risk group at earliest and start treatment to prevent/dealy diabetes and its complications.

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